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Angelina's POV

The next morning I woke up to the sound of yelling and banging downstairs. I jumped out of bed and ran to where the noise was coming from. I look in the living room and see my father. He was blinded by rage and I didn't know why. The fear I felt made me take slow steps to the where he was. Each step I took increased the anxiety I felt. I had never seen him so angry, blinded. Was he going to hit me? My foot made the floorboard outside the room creak causing my dad to stop what he was doing and look back at me. His fists clenched, face red, and his eyes were pure black.

I took a step back,"D-Dad"

"This is all your fault" He yelled. I looked at him in shock.

"Your mother dying was all your fault. If you hadn't gone to see your stupid friend that night, she would still be here"  He continued, throwing a picture frame of us three at the wall. It shatters instantly, glass flying in every direction. I jumped back to avoid it all.

I felt the tears fall down my face as he continued his ranting and raving. His words stabbed my like knives, over and over again. It was a pain that I truly hadn't felt before. Memories of that night flood my mind. I remember being at my best friend Janet's house, I was 16 years old and was two months shy of getting my license so I couldn't drive myself. Later on in the night when mom was on her way to get me, she lost control of her car and hit a tree, killing her instantly. I didn't even realize I was hysterically crying until I was snapped out of my trance by my father's angry yell.

I can't believe my father blames me for mom dying. He hates me because of it. That's why he had began drinking.

He ran towards me and pushed me to the ground. He reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. Not saying one word, he grabbed his jacket and ran outside.

Of course he was drunk.

I ran over to where the picture frame of our family was broken on the floor. I picked up the photo itself and looked at it, running my fingers over my mother's beautiful face. A lot people say I looked just like her. From her beautiful eyes, to her delicate smile, I was always told I had her beauty. I looked over at my father in the photo, his smile as wide as it could be as he had his hand on my shoulder. Our family was so happy. We had it all.

"Why you mom?" I sob, giving her photo a quick kiss. Oh what I would do to have her no back. I'd give anything in the world to give her one last big hug and kiss.

I wipe my face dry and walk upstairs, the photo still in my hand. I place it on my dresser and walk over to my bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror I let out a sigh of sadness at the girl I had become. I feel worthless. If only Connor really knew how I felt.

Trigger warning(it's short, but still there)

I grab my razor from my cabinet and lift up the sleeves from my pyjama shirt. I sighed and ran my fingers over all of the old cuts that were finally starting to heal. I leaned up against the bathtub and began leaving cuts along my already scarred arm. Tears fell down my face at the pain I felt, not only from the cutting, but from all of the emotions from this morning. Especially all of the words from my father. I sobbed uncontrollably before standing up and wiping my tear stained face.

Trigger over

I had managed to take a nice warm shower, brush my teeth and get dressed before heading downstairs. I looked around the empty, but peaceful house before grabbing my bag and making my way to school.

Connor's POV

I walked into the school and to my locker where the guys were standing. They all smiled when they saw me. I smiled back, hoping they had forgotten that I was once again with Angelina.

Truth is, even if they had a problem with it I wouldn't care. It was my life and I made a promise that I would help her. My reputation didn't matter, nothing mattered but making sure she was okay.

"Con Man" Taylor cheered.

"Hey T. What's up?" I replied as I opened my locker.

"Well tonight is our first game and we all need to be on our A game. Especially you, Johnson" Taylor gave Tyler a stern look, he earned a simple 'fuck off Hall' making the rest of us laugh. Taylor playfully rolled his eyes as he turned his attention back to me.

"Seeing as you're our captain. We need some words of encouragement" I gave him a confused look, "I'll give the pep talk in the locker room. Not in the middle of a hallway"

Just as Taylor was about to respond, he smirks at the sight of Angelina walking to her locker, headphones in her ears as she had her bag over her shoulder. She was wearing a hoodie, a pair of ripped blue jeans and her all black converse. She looked as beautiful as always. Even in the most casual clothes.

"Hey loner" Taylor called. She pulled out her earbuds and looked over at us with a frown. The guys began making their way over to her, but I followed them with clenched fists.

"Leave her alone guys" I called, pushing Taylor away. I didn't even give him a chance to insult her.

"Connor, stay outta this"Taylor barked. Tyler and Ryan held me back as Taylor walked over to Angelina and pushed her to the floor. I yelled and pleaded for him to stop putting his hands on her.

He laughed loudly in my face and gave her one last slap before turning his attention over to me, "You're lucky we're teammates, Bedard. I would've beat the shit out of you if we weren't" Taylor snarled as the guys let me go and walked away.

I ran over to Angelina and picked her up. Her cheek was cut and her eye was already beginning to swell. I hugged her tight as she cried in my chest.

"It's gonna be okay, Ang" I kissed the top of her head, "I promise"


Hey everyone, Paolina here. I truly hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are also enjoying the book so far.

I have some interesting ideas coming for this book so stay tuned;) don't forget to vote, comment and follow❤️

Love you all

Lost Smile//Connor Bedardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें