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Connor's POV

I pulled back from Angelina, looking at her as if she was an angel. The smile returned to her face and all I could do was reach over and place my hand on her cheek. Her skin was so soft, lips a beautiful pink colour and eyes so mesmerizing. Her smile was a sight I could get used to as I hoped it stayed. I had made her the promise to help her get it back, and it finally did. Despite everything I had done, I was just glad she could look at me and finally smile.

"I kept my promise. I knew I'd make you smile again" I spoke. She smiled yet again. This one just as beautiful as the first.

"Y-You know this doesn't mean I forgive you yet" She mumbled the last part, pulling away and looking at the floor. I frowned and let out a sad sigh at her response. I knew I wasn't going to be forgiven. I made her smile, I kept my promise. How could she not forgive me? It broke my heart.

"What do I have to do to make you forgive me?" I asked, walking over to her. I gently grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her around so she was facing me. "I've done everything I could think of, why won't you just forgive me?" I didn't realize how loud my voice had gotten until I saw Ang jump.

"Don't you dare yell at me. You fucking made a bet with your friend. You played me" She yelled back. I could see the anger in her eyes.

"For fuck sakes, Angelina. I told you I didn't mean it. I never did. I was stupid and I fucked up. It was supposed to be a prank, I said no and of course, Taylor talked me into it-" before I could continue, Angelina put her hand up, signalling for me to shut up.

"I don't want to hear any excuses Connor. Please I'm so tired of it. You hurt me. You played me. You lied to me" She gently pushed me off of her. She turned away once again and this time I can hear her sniffling.

"When I found out that you attempted suicide because of me, I wanted to die. I wished it was me instead of you. I never stopped loving you Angelina, I should've never broken up with you after your mom died, and I should've never taken that stupid bet Taylor talked me into. Please" I was crying at this point, tears streamed down my face as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

The smell of he filled my nose instantly. She always smelled like strawberries. I wasn't sure if it was her perfume or shampoo, but I always loved it on her. I placed gentle kisses up and down her neck, leaving a few love bites in secretive areas. I heard her let out a small sigh as she turned around to face me yet again. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gently pecked my lips.

I knew she still loved me, I could feel it. The love we had for each other never stopped, it was always there. Our relationship was different from everyone else's, at least that's what I thought. Outside of school we always chose to stay in and watch movies over going out, cuddling was our best and most favourite thing to do. Most people viewed us as the 'power couple', but we thought we were just average, different as I said before.

Nothing was able to tear us apart, except my stupid mind putting my reputation over her.

"Connor, what you did was strictly unforgivable" She began, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm willing to take things slow. I am not forgiving you, just yet"

Her words brought me hope. They brought me hope that she would forgive me one day.

Angelina's POV

I stared deep into Connor's beautiful eyes as I finished speaking. I saw his eyes brighten at what I had said. Forgiving him was going to be the hardest thing I'd ever have to do, but losing him was going to be even worse. I had already lost him once, I didn't need to lose him again. He was my one true love, I never loved anyone the way that I loved Connor.

"We'll take it slow. I will make it up to you. I promise Angelina" Connor places his hand on my cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb. I feel myself melt under his touch. I don't say anything in return, I just stand there with him in silence. It was a peaceful silence.

The game had ended so long ago and I'm surprised that we haven't even bothered to leave. The few lights in the hallway remained open thankfully, not leaving us stranded and completely in the dark. I grabbed onto Connor's hand and began leading him outside. It was raining lightly and Connor immediately wrapped his jacket around my shoulders, making sure to fix it so it was also covering my head. I smiled in response, feeling my cheeks also get warm. He smiled in response and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

We finally reached his car and he began driving down the parking lot of the arena and onto the main road.

"Can I sleep over tonight?" Connor asks out of the blue. His question takes me by surprise.

"That's not taking it slow" I replied and looked over at him, watching his face fall. I laugh lightly,

"But I guess one sleepover wouldn't hurt the process"


Happy Labour Day long weekend everyone(to those who celebrate) I hope you all enjoyed your time with family and friends and I hope it was a fun weekend for you.

Angelina and Connor are getting closer and closer, do you all think she'll end up forgiving him?

Thank you all again for reading, make sure to vote, comment and follow!


Lost Smile//Connor BedardWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt