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Connor's POV

Angelina and I spent the rest of the day walking around the city. The streets were busy, the streets were loud, but with Angelina it felt as if we were the only two people around. I hoped the time we spent together would make her forgive me even sooner. I just wanted us to be together again, happy again.

"Con, look" Angelina says, pointing to the CN Tower. I smiled at her reaction. We had been down here many times before, but every time she saw it, it gave her joy.

"Can you take my picture?" I laughed at her response but nodded my head. She stood in front of it and smiled big. I turned her phone on and snapped a few pictures before giving it back.

She looked over and smiled at me, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Let's take one together" She spoke. I followed her back to where she stood and pulled out my phone. We smiled at the camera and I clicked a few photos. Some silly, some cute, and in one, I gave her a peck on the cheek. I put my phone down and looked over at her, noticing that she was already looking at me with the biggest smile.

The most beautiful smile I might add.

Without saying a word, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my lips down to hers. Every time our lips touch I swear I felt butterflies fill my stomach.

Not to sound girly or anything by the way.

I pulled back and smiled knowing that I couldn't ruin what we had. Looking deep into each others eyes it felt as if we were the only two people standing on the sidewalk. I felt people push past me, but I just couldn't care. All that was going through my head, was Angelina.

Angelina's POV

The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughs, and walks around the lake shore. The weather was beautiful. Not too cold, not too hot? Just perfect for this time of year. The leaves are changing colour as they hit the floor, meaning fall was slowly approaching. I held onto Connor's hand tightly as we made our way back to his car, he opened the door for me before walking over to his side and getting in.

He looks over at me and smiles but says nothing causing me to laugh lightly. He pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. The radio played lightly in the background as we drove in complete, yet peaceful silence. I had assumed it was because the two of us were too tired from today's activities to say anything else. Connor lightly tapped his fingers against the steering wheel as he tried to match the beat to a song I did not quite know on the radio. I laughed at his attempt, noticing his cheeks turn a slight pink colour from embarrassment.

We reached my house in about a half hour. And when he parked I felt a small ounce of sadness full my stomach as I didn't want today to end. This was the first time me and Connor had gone out since our breakup and it truly was an amazing day for the both of us. I have Connor one last kiss goodbye and made my way up to my front door.

"Where the fuck have you been?" My dad yells, his words slurred and voice was loud. I flinched at the sound, suddenly feeling great over take me as he walked over to where I was standing.

"I said where the fuck have you been?" He asks once more time.

"I-I was with Connor" I replied. I took a step back from him causing him to laugh.

"Yeah like that guy would ever want to be seen with you again, Ang. I should have just let you die" His words hit me like a ton of bricks. My eyes watered, and before I knew it, I was crying hysterically. My dad said nothing, he just laughed and laughed as he took another swig from his bottle.

I should have known my dad wasn't going to get any better. I should've known it was all a lie. Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. But suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt the sadness I had turn into rage. Rage at how he was treating me, at what he has said, but most of all, how his drinking had been. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and balled my fists at my side. Anger taking over me completely.

"I am not sure what the fuck happened to you since I was discharged, but I should have known better than to believe that you would ever change. You're a low life alcoholic who will never get better. I can't believe I ever trusted you, fuck you dad" My voice got louder and louder with each word I spoke. But as soon as I finished my sentence, my father's expression changed.

His grip on the bottle of vodka tightened so much, it had shattered in his hand causing him to bleed profusely. He didn't even notice. I suddenly felt that boost of confidence I had vanish and turn into fear once again. I gulped harshly and before I knew it, my father's fist had come into contact with my face, cause me to fall over. I gripped my cheek in pain. I ran a finger along my lip, seeing the blood. I gasped.

"Dad, no"


Hey hey everyone. I hope you all have been doing amazing. I'm sorry I haven't updated, I have been on vacation. While I'm still away, I'm happy to have gotten this chapter up. I hope you all enjoy it.

Love you

Lost Smile//Connor BedardWhere stories live. Discover now