15th Chapter (Past)

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The sun was slowly setting. The man got out of bed after kissing the boy by his side yet to wake up. He placed his jewels back on him and was ready to leave when a hand softly grabbed his own. He turned around and saw the brunet half asleep extending his arm to reach him. He was on his chest letting his scar peeking clearly from under the blankets and bed sheets. Gan softly blushed and went back to cuddle with him.

-You know you're cute when you sleep, honey? —He said as he caressed his bare chest with his palm.

-You say that every time you come over!—He said, holding onto his lover's arm. He got closer and layed a peck on Gan's fingers.

-But you love it, don't you?—He moved Link's bangs away from his face.— Your smile is timeless. It makes me feel like I could do anything.—He softly continued.

-You're so cooooooornyyyyy~! —He said before his face felt a grip followed by a passionate kiss.

He closed his eyes and turned in bed to face the man. Both their lips didn't separate for whole minutes, only opening slightly to breathe. Gan snuggled back into the blankets until he found himself jewels off and topping Link. The only thing separating the two mates was their light clothes. He interrupted the kisses and looked at him, his face completely red. "I'm so sorry..." Link took both his hands and pulled Gan's face closer and kissed him. "Don't be."


Link woke up in heavy sweats, his shirt off and the blankets on the floor. He looked around and immediately felt stupid. He turned around and plugged his face into his pillow, starting to whine. "Gan! I miss you so much!"— He screamed in his pillow. Telma gently opened the door and noticed Link's large scar on his back.

-Link? Are you okay?—She asked.

-Ah! Telma! —He screamed and grabbed his headrest and hid his chest. He then looked down and saw he wore only tight shorts. He blushed in embarrassment.— Hum... Could you give me a second please?

-Oh! He he! —She blushed and nervously laughed.— Of course honey!— She then left and shut the door.


-It's good!— He said still laying on the bed, but this time, fully dressed. He wore a classic black shirt of long sleeves and black tights under the tunic from the previous day. He was adjusting the golden belt at his waist when Telma walked in.

-I so sorry Link! I should have knocked before-

-No, no! Don't worry too much about it, I'm fine!—He said in a slightly sad tone.

-Are you sure?— She got closer to him.— You screamed when you were asleep... well, not screaming exactly...—She said slightly uneasy.

-Oh! He he...—He turned red as he stared at the floor.

-I know we're nothing like close friends or family but... I'm concerned about you! And that scar, did you have that recently?

-No... I don't like people seeing it, but it's kinda old.—He said quietly.

-Was that what you dreamt about?

-Uhh?! No! No no no! I don't think about it at all! —His face somehow turned redder.-  My dream was not that!

-Are you okay? You are all red, are you sick?!—She tried putting her hand on his forehead to check his temperature but he got up and ran to the other side of the room, hiding his face in his pillow.—Let me help you!

-I'm not sick! It's nothing I swear!—He muffled through the stuffing.

-Liar! If there was nothing, I would not have been woken up by loud moaning!

-Shush! Don't say that out loud!— He pulled his face from his handful.

-Then what is it! Tell me!


-Wait-Don't tell me you were dreaming of you and Ganon hav-


Telma started to giggle before having to sit down to laugh. She barely even breathed while Link fused with the floor and the blankets on it. She then held her hand out to him so he could get up. He felt terribly ashamed.

-Please don't tell anyone! It's the first time I do... I think so...—He paused.— That was a long time ago... It was also the last time we did it. I don't know what came over me... I feel guilty!

-Link... You don't have to be ashamed! It's normal to love someone and it's normal that when you love someone, you are unstoppable. If you know what I mean.—She said, holding both of Link's hands.

-Never would I have thought that I would be doing that sort of stuff... My sister would be so excited right now! He he!

-What is she like? Your sister I mean.—Asked Telma to change the subject.

-She was sweet and smart...—His eyes started to water. — She was the best sibling I could have wished for... She was always there for me. -mpf— He stupidly smiled through his whines. — She used to yell at our mom for making me do chores after work. We would talk for hours at night. She would take care of my messy hair and help me choose my clothes to look good. She even helped me hide Ganondorf when he came to sleep at home...—He broke down into tears.— When I told her about me and Gan's first meeting, she was the first one to see how badly I had fallen in love. But then, when I turned into a cat I stopped seeing her come out of our house. It's like she was gone and I didn't notice when...

The young woman took the brunette in her arms for comfort. "I'm sorry for your loss..." She said before hearing him cry louder than ever. "Shhhh" She wished to cure his pain but also hers. When she lost her mother, she would have given the world for someone to give even the most modest hug.

-Thanks for sticking with me Telma!—He said in between sobs.— You are just as kind as Kamira...

A tear dropped from each of her eyes and she smiled, hugging Link even tighter. "No, Thank you!"


Woo! Another chapter with over 1000 words and posted the same day!

I wanted to remind viewers why I call this fiction "Romance" :D Obviously, It is light, I don't feel like describing with too much detail that kind of scenes!

Why make all my characters so sad and filled with pain? Simple; I am cruel!


Kings (Ganlink)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora