16th Chapter (White cat)

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The next day, he was yet again woken up by the same dream. He looked by his side and saw telma, a bucket full of cold water on the ground. She held a wet towel over his head. She looked concerned.

-Same dream?

-Yeah... I feel like I'm supposed to get a message with it but I can't make it out!—He answered.

-You should eat now. That empty stomach can't help!—She tore the towel and got up. —I'll be waiting for you at the bar.

The room he was in was Kamira's when she still lived with her daughter at the bar. According to Telma, she died of a disease two months after Ganondorf's first arrival. As the boy tied his hair, he looked down and dropped the elastic, shocked. "Loise?!" He got up and tried to follow the white feline. "Wait for me!" He ran behind her, fearing she would see her slip through his fingers. When he looked more closely he saw she had a grip on something shiny. As he tried to figure out what it was, she went up a shelf and trew what she held on the ground. It was a bell, a golden bell attached to a beige but slightly green ribbon. When it touched the ground, the sound rang so loud that he had to block his ears and crunched up on the ground.

-Link! You did it!

He turned his head.

-What's the secret? — Asked the cat.

-L-Louise... I- I can- I can understand you!—He said, surprised.— How can that be?

-Look at yourself! You found how to separate your curse from yourself!—She said happily.

-Did I?— He looked at himself and noticed he was a cat. —Ah! My body! I'm back to being a cat! No! Not again!

-Hey, hey! Just ring that bell around your neck. I promise I won't look!

He did as he asked and did turn back into his human self. He looked down, blushed and rang the bell again.

-Why am I naked when I transform back?!— He asked, embarrassed.

-Only your body changes. Though, if you notice, your clothes are on the floor below yourself.

-Oh... I guess that makes sense. But enough of that- How did you survive all these years?

-I'm actually also cursed, but unlike you, I didn't find how to turn back before the timer was out.

-What timer?—He asked.

-It took you 40 years to find what would turn you back into a human. I have lived past 50 years in this form, there is no coming back for me! I'm only happy Pea and Lye didn't have memories to recover so they can't be sad about it...—She sadly explained.

-These names remind me of something, but I can't tell who they are. I have had a lot of memory loss in the past 10 years.

-That's due to your transformation. I already lost my past.

-I'm so sorry, Louise...

The door of the room opened.

-Link?—Telma peeked inside. She then gazed below to find a white cat and a tricolor one.—Link... is that... you?—She sat on the floor and noticed his clothes on the floor where the smallest sat.—You were telling the truth... She was telling the truth...—She smiled.—Do you know how to turn back?

He nodded and pointed his bell.

-You simply ring it?—She asked, amazed.

He nodded again but made a sign for her to leave. He meowed at Louise and she left too.


The door slowly opened. Link came out of the room dressed like the last few days. He sat at the table with telma after pouring some soup into a bowl. He took a spoonful then looked over to Telma.

-That's crazy! You can turn into a cat?—She said, still astounded.

-Yeah... Crazy!—He then silently stirred the soup with the tip of his spoon. He then put it on the side of his bowl.—Do you really think I can resonate with him?

-Ganondorf? Well... That's hard to say! I think you should be face to f-

Suddenly, someone barged into the bar. He got to Link and widely smiled. "Found you!" He said before grabbing him, putting a thing over his mouth. Link moved fast to get away but was soon too tired and fell unconscious. He last saw Telma get up to help and Louise running away.



Oops! Link is in trouble! ;-;

Kings (Ganlink)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora