3rd Chapter (King)

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I'm back with my incredible titles for chapters :D (Modified October 22, 2023)


The tall red-headed man just stood in the middle of the shop. On the ground, the owner was panting. He managed to get up and rush away to the back terrified. Ganondorf looked down at his hands and up to the horizon hoping to see Link but no one showed. After picking up his cape on the floor, he left, ashamed of himself. He thought to apologize but felt like he was not worth being listened to.

For a couple of hours he hid in the bars of castle town trying to forget his actions before settling on a place to stay the night. When dawn began to set over Hyrule castle, the man dropped his writing feather and closed his ink bottle. The night was long. All hours, all minutes sacrificed were dedicated to the thought of him losing his dear beloved. The fear was present in his heart without a doubt. Without loosing more time, he got a horse nearby and rushed to Link's home town. His plan: Find him and improvise.

Once at the destination point, he discounted his steed. He got up to the door and knocked before gathering his long hair into a high ponytail. The entrance slowly opened. Inside was Zeli a nervous expression on her face. She made a sign for him to enter.


-Is something the matter Zeli?

-I- Link...—She stopped before her tears came.

-He is hurt?! —Panicked Gan.

-I don't- I don't know! He didn't come home! — She said before sitting on a chair she pulled from the table.

When she said those words, the man froze. Gilt made him feel responsible for Link going missing. "I'll bring him back" He said as he left the place.

Back to castle town, he was looking every corners, asking every citizens and travellers without success until some guy told him about a brown-haired voï getting arrested by some women mercenaries. This could only mean one thing, some gerudos found out about his lover and captured him so he would return. He would not let it pass!


Meanwhile, Link was wrapped in ropes and had a cloth in his mouth. He did not see a scenario like this coming. He was looking to the desert horizon as his body temperature raised consequently. Far in the distance stood his destination: Gerudo Town.

First thing when arriving, the womans threw him in a cell without pity. "You stay here Vehvi!" They said as they walked away.

-What do they want from me?— He wondered.


After two long nights, gards finally came to get him out of jail. One of them grabbed him by the hair and by the handcuffs. They were slowly walking through the hall for the throne room. Eyes were all directed towards the scared boy crying in pain. The grip on his hair loosened and he got pushed to the ground onto his knees. He didn't dare to lift his sight as tears ran down his face. Suddenly, a voice was heard from the other end of the room.

-LINK! — Ganondorf barged in the room before getting grabbed by his own gards. — Let me go!— He looked up— Link! Are you okay?— He escaped the grips and run to him.

The boy looked into his partner's eyes. —Why did you do this..? —He said with a broken voice.

-No... I didn't do this- I didn't order them to do this to you...

-Yes, cause I did!

Both of them turned around, now facing the throne. On it was a woman of short hair put into little braids with rings. She got up and stared at the cuffed one.

-You distract our king from his duties, you are keeping him away. Even with that, you still look like a peasant. You thought you were enough for a king?!

-Hush! —Gan looked furious.— You spied on me, infiltrated into my love life and then ordered the guards to kidnap him? What was the plan? MAKE ME ANGRY?! —His eye turned black again and his hair flames.

-To protect! Sir Ganondorf, the powers from your curse are beginning to destroy, not only owr people, but also the rest of the land of hyrule! This boy is making this curse spread faster!

-No- Lies! He is not doing anything wrong!— He started to tear up. He gazed down and saw Link unconscious. — I don't want to be your king anymore!

With these words, he left the valley the fastest he could, holding onto his lover. With all of his hopes, he dragged him to a doctor to help his health.


-You said he was captured here by the gerudo vaïs and put to some sort of torture?— Said the doc not believing anything.— You are sure you didn't do that by yourself?

-I would not hurt him!— Screamed Gan impatiently.

-Hmm...- Well, after eating and a lot of food, he will be back to normal! You can come to visit later.

-Can't I stay with him? —He asked, saddened as he was pushed out of the room.—Okay...

After getting kicked out, he walked off nervously. "Get better soon, Link"


Link's eyes opened slowly. He looked around still dizzy and unable to lift his body. He was laying in simple white bed sheets with a thick yarn blanket on him. His two arms were sticking out so he noticed the tubes going in and out of his left wrist. With said informations, he deduced that he was at the doctor's. Outside of the window, the light shone bright. The boy laid back his head and closed both of his eyes. At this moment two pairs of footsteps entered the room. They started to talk their voices very low. Curious, Link kept his eyes shut to know what they talked about.

-Are...sure...not...us? ...want... hurt him...dead! —Said the first voice.

-He will... die... curse.

-What?!— Said Link trying to get up in a drowsy manner.

Both guys in front of the bed turned around surprised. The tallest approached and grabbed his hands to balance him back into bed.


-Am I dying? —Said the brunet, barely seeing or hearing a thing. He tried to separate his hand from the one in front of him as tears ran down his face.—Let go of me!

He then stopped fighting back when he felt Ganondorf's embrace. He started crying hard, holding onto him. "I'm so lost Gan!" he said as the doctor put him to sleep with the help of a syringe.


-What happened to him?!—Screamed Gan scared.

-He is delusional because of the product we use for his health. If you want him to feel better, you need to trust me and stop questioning stuff! Now, I gave you a tip, it's up to you to follow it or not.

The old man gave Ganondorf a pile of papers and pointed to the door. As asked, he left the room looking at Link's sleeping body. Once outside of the building, he looked at the sheets he was given and thought of the best options he had. "I don't have a choice anymore... I need the power."


Can you guess what they said?

Btw, sorry for my very short updates. At least, I'm updating ._.

I also want to say I am working on a comic book called « Gems » to be published paper format by 2024 hopefully! 

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