2-Chapter 1 (happy ending)

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Hello! I decided that I didn't want the story to end, especially the way it did! So here we go with the second arc of the second arc of Shades of black aka "Kings; lost in time" The chapters will in consequence start from 1 again, but with the -2- at the beginning so you know its the second arc.

Anyways, back to the story!

~Fisher's Pov~

As I cried all the tears I had in my body to mourn the death of Gan, I felt someone holding onto me. I was not a mad grip, instead, it was a sweet and gentle caress. I slowly lifted my gaze and saw familiar red eyes through the blur in mine. I just started in disbelief as he held onto my torso with his delicate hands. "Gan- I-" My eyes cleared as the water flew out. I thugged my face into his chest letting go of all the pain I had been keeping inside of me. "Gan! I thought I had lost you! I'm so sorry I-" I blurred out before he patted my hair. His soothing voice then spoke softly. "I would never leave you, love," His lips got closer to mine and he softly kissed me.

"Link!" I sat up to see Telma running towards me along with Hunter, Malon and... Shade? Telma jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly. "Are you okay? I thought you might have gotten killed! And... Is that him?" She looked relieved. "Yes." I answered. I then reached my hand to help Gan up. "Guys, this is Ganondorf, my boyfriend!" I held onto his hand tightly. I could tell he saw I was stressed but I tried to ignore it.

-Ganondorf? I feel like I've seen you before. At the same time, not really. – Said the one in bright green attire and blond hair. I figured it was Shades since they share the same features, voice and well, Telma held onto his hand before running to me. – You can call me Shade! – He raised his hand for Gan to shake it.

-It's a pleasure to meet Link's friends! – Said Gan, shaking his hand.

I blushed heavily. "Gaaan!" I hid my red face in his chest as I gave his little hits with fists. I was extremely embarrassed. "You're so beautiful when you blush, don't hide it!" He said, cupping my face into his hands. All the others around giggled at us. I pushed him slightly, pouting. "You two are so cute together!" Said Telma from behind. I melted onto the ground in embarrassment before Gan picked me up bridal style.



A couple of minutes of walking later, Link had fallen asleep. He was sound in Ganondorf's arms as the rest of the group learned about each other. Telma was leading along with Malon while the boys were in the back, chilling. "So, let me get this straight... You just stumbled upon him at his work and... And what?" Started Hunter. "And I was struck with his beauty!" Replied Gan. "Aww! It's love at first sight!" Shade got all excited on his right. He had sparkles in his eyes. "I guess, yes! I couldn't stay with him for too long though. I was only trying to hide from my duties!" The two guys stared at him, curious. "What kind of duty?" Gan giggled before grinning at both of them. "I am a King! The King of Gerudo town, actually!" He said confidently. Hunter and Shade looked stunned. They had never seen the legendary king of gerudo, the one destined to become the demon king, be so gentle and soft.

Shade stopped him and stood on his tiptoes to put his hand on Gan's forehead. He jokingly took his temperature. "Are you sure you are not just sick?" They all laughed and the girls in front turned, a confused look on their faces. They soon continued walking, still making fun of how He was the king of softies.

Some time later, they arrived at Telma's bar. Suddenly, Gan was struck with old memories. "This place... That was my cousin's workplace." He placed down Fisher, who had just woken up, and laid his hand on the door. He then caressed the metal knob and smiled as he felt nostalgia run down his eyes in the form of tears. "I used to go here and get drunk with her when being the heir was too much. Last time I saw her..." He cut off to wipe his tears. He then turned his head when his lover grabbed his hand, finishing his sentence for him.

"She tried to tell you what had happened to me- And she left since you didn't believe her... I was there, Gan." He looked sad. "But- If that makes you feel better, she did take good care of me and Louise." He smiled before looking at him. He was taken aback by this name he had never heard. "Louise?" He asked. "Oh, right! I need to make you a resume of my life during these past years! Although I am sure yours will be more interesting~" He said cheerfully, grabbing his hand and dragging him inside the building.


"I made shepherd pie, Hope y'all are hungry 'cause there's a lot of it!" Said Telma, loaded with four plates. She gently placed them on the table and went back to the kitchen to bring the two remaining plates. Everyone, hungry from all the events of the day, rushed to get a fork from the cup in the middle of the table. Only Malon waited for the others to grab theirs to pick one. She also waited for everyone to pour either water, milk or other in their glass before raising hers. "Cheers! To Fisher's victory, to Ganondorf's return and to Shade that broke his curse!" She had a bid and sweet smile caressing her lips as the others hit their glasses on each other's. "Cheers!" They all said in harmony.

They quickly got to eating. Fisher grabbed a jar filled with a red sauce and emptied a quarter of it in his plate. As he mixed it with the meat and potatoes, his boyfriend giggled. "My love, do you need that much sauce?" He raised his sight, looking serious. "I would never exaggerate! Plus, I haven't eaten human food for years, give me a break!" He slightly grinned and got back to the mixing. The night soon arrived and they had to figure out the sleeping arrangements. Fisher and Gan obviously were fine with sharing a bed with themselves, but the others were not so thrilled about the idea. Telma had to move the spare benches to one of the storage units. "I know it's not the best, but you can sleep in here. I will bring over some mattresses for you to sleep on." With that, she left the two boys and Malon.

The redhead walked to a box and grabbed an extra curtain and placed it on the shelves so it would create a room separation for her. "You boys are not allowed on my side. Got it?" They both nodded and she sat on the floor, waiting for Telma to come back so she could sleep.


Fisher brought his lover to the room he had been using the past days. "Welcome to our room, your highness~" He said teasingly. "Shall I enter, your double highness?" Gan giggled as he saw Link's face grow bright red. "Wh- I am not royal, silly!" He said and grabbed the knod. He was about to turn it when he froze. He turned around to see Gan on his knees. "I had the intention of doing that soon than... well, years after not seeing each other, but-" He placed with his hands. "You are still the same man I fell in love. The same man I stumbled on that day and still the same man that makes me happy as always." He cleaned his throat and reached for Link's hand, putting something inside them.

When he opened his grip, Link was shocked to see a golden ring with white gems on the sides of a slightly larger red gem. He broke into tears as Gan spoke again. "Link, will you marry me?" He squeezed his hand into a fist, not to lose the ring, and jumped into his arms. "Of course! Gan, of course I do!" He tears into Gan's shoulders before separating. He then opens his sweaty hand to let Gan take the ring and place it on his finger. They then both stared at each other. Link got closer and kissed his dear one. "I love you more than anything," He said on his lips. "I love you more~" He smiled and took Gan by the hand to drag him into his room.

Gan picked his lover in his arms and threw him onto the bed before laying next to him. He then proceeded to shower him ,head to bust, in kisses. "Gaan~! I'm too tired for that tonight." He looked right into his ruby coloured eyes and smiled. The tallest then took a dramatic tone and raised his hand to his forehead. "I guess I can only sleep with the most beautiful man in the entire world! What a shame~" He teased before cupping Link's face for one last kiss. They then fell asleep in each other's arms.



Yes, Fisher putting a mass of ketchup in his shepherd pie is literally me! I do that and people have told me that its more of Ketchup with food than food with ketchup. XD

Also, sorry that this update is so short, bit I felt like I beeded a shorter introduction so me things softer.

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