2- Chapter 3 (Zora's domain)

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~Link's pov~

The sheikas that had to transport us clearly were not threatened by us like that lady at the inn. We only had our hands tied while being on the back of a carriage. When paying closer attention to the wheels, I noticed that one of them had been fixed with some sparkly green goo. I turned to Gan a bit disoriented. He got closer to me a slid a kiss on my lips telling me it would be okay. But will it? Will everything actually be okay or will we rot in a cell for... I don't even know for what reason! Those people keep saying I'm a Yiba or something like that.

I got lost in my thoughts so far that I didn't notice that the sun had fallen and that the guards and Gan were trying to get me to get out of the kart. I took Gan's hands as the guards helped me out. I raised my gaze and suddenly, my jaw dropped. This is Zora's domain?! It- It's- It leaves me speechless!

At the end of this luxurious blue tiled bridge, there stood the domain. Its structure was under a giant fish structure. The tail of said fish was pointing to the sky in a magnificent way. We were soon enough brought to the throne room. These Zora are certainly not the same as they were one! There were pink ones added to the blues. We got through the last arch and got up two sets of beautiful stairs. I must really be amazed cause Gan was giggling behind me as I looked around. We finally made it to the throne where a larger zora sat in a chair. By his sides was a tall muscular shark-like zora. This must be the king; he wears a large silver headpiece! I immediately bowed down to show respect and waited for him to tell me to stand up.

-You are the two coming from Kakariko village, aren't you? –He said in a formal tone.

-Yes, it is us. –I raised my gaze.– I am Link. Link Athon, your majesty!

The large zora of flaming red scales stared into the distance looking lost in his thoughts. His eyes were almost as glossy as his scales. He quickly shook his head and got back to our conversation as Gan was introducing himself.

-I am Ganondorf, King of the gerudo.

-King? –He said as he brought his hand to his chin. –Isn't lady Riju the cheffes?

-I- I have never heard of one called Riju. But I do not deny your knowledge, sir. –Answer Gan, looking a little nervous.

-Well, it doesn't matter as of now. I am Sidon, King of the Zora! And this– He raised his hand and designated a flat-headed green zora with two horns on her head. She wore gold accessories, accentuating her blue and pink gills. –This is my wife, Queen Yona.

-It is a pleasure to meet you both. –Said Gan and bowed again.

Oh no, am I the only one that's not royal? I mean- It doesn't matter, right?

-Me and my fiancé got lost. –That's right! He proposed to me last night. –Could we perhaps get some information about where we are? –He asked.

-You said you are the King of the gerudo, how come you don't know where you are? –Said the shark.

-Excuse us, your highness. We fell asleep in our bed at a bar in castle-town and woke up in the grass at Kakariko. –I explained.

He seemed to be confused for an instant. Wait- I said OUR bed! Why did I have to phrase it like that? Well, Gan just told him we're fiancé... I guess it's fine. Sidon then came back to the moment. He turned to his wife, then to the larger zora.

-This is zora's domain, one hundred and seven years after the great calamity.

-What about The previous royals? What happened to Zelda? –My heart skipped a beat. That's right, I didn't tell him about... yeah...– What about Ruto? –Continued Gan.

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