2-Chapter 2 (Kakariko)

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~Gan's pov~

During the night, I kept having the same nightmare. I was in a pick black room, my wrists and ankles chained to the handle of a bright blue sword. Then, when I would start pulling on the chains to set myself free, Demise would appear. By his side, I saw Link. He didn't have the same aura... It was the one of a monster, a demon perhaps. Everytime I pulled the sword from the ground, the ground would crumble and then I would wake up.

I tossed and turned until I gave up falling back asleep.

-Link, love? –I placed my hand on his shoulder. –Are you awake?

-Hmm... –He opened his eyes, still very sleepy. –Gan? What is it?

-I- I can't sleep... I mean- I still can't believe it has been so long! My cousin died at 42 while I was being controlled and her daughter is now 18. Kamira was everything to me... –I looked at him with a sad expression.

-You were just as important to her, hun! She's probably chatting with Zelda. Yet, she may have even met up with Nali!


-Oh, right- I met a lot of people while you were gone. There's Nali, she met me in the afterlife before sending me back. Then, there's Louise, Pea and Lye! They are the friends I had the longest time with. Louise is a white cat, she's a bit older than me and the two others were little birds.

-Were? Are they...

-Yeah... They passed away a couple of years ago. They were always full of energy... and questions! He he...

-They seemed like lovely friends. –I smiled at him.

-They were. What about you, did you meet anyone new?

A giggled under my breath and closed my eyes to avoid his sight. I then opened them again.

-No. I am just glad you are fine. –I ran a hand through his hair. –Tell me, is that a new nickname, Fisher?

-Oh, yes. Turns out every guy in the group is called Link! Since they met me as a cat, and the wolf's nickname's Hunter, I figured I could choose Fisher.

-A wolf?

-That's right, he has that amulet around his neck. It makes it possible to turn at his will into a wolf! –He said, a cheery expression caressing his beautiful face.

-You are so lovely, my dear. How did I get so lucky? –I said before cupping his face to kiss him.

In response, he wrapped his arms and legs around me and kissed me just as passionately as I did. Soon enough, he stopped the kissing, saying it would be best not to make out at the bar with his friends on the other side of the wall. He's right. We wouldn't want that, right? He gave me one last kiss on the forehead before I could fall asleep.


I opened my eyes in a bright white void. I looked around trying to find out where I was when I saw that same stunning blue blade. Although this felt familiar, I was not wrapped in chains. I walked up to the sword as it started flashing. This time, it looked broken... or repaired should I say! Its end was of a bright but soft yellow. I placed my hand on the handle and just like it was meant to be, a voice I didn't know started speaking. "This shattered line cannot hold itself any longer! Hold onto your destiny! Hold onto it as tight as you can!" She screamed in my head. I squinted my eyes and grabbed the sword tightly. My muscles were all tensed up as I got woken up by Link.

-Gan! Please wake up!

-Gasp- Link!

-Hun, please let go of my wrist! –As he said that, I looked down to see said wrist all red in my grasp.

-Oh my! Sorry, dear! But... Where are we? –I gazed around to see nothing but trees and giant bone structures.

-I honestly hoped you'd know. The others aren't here either. This forest... It's a little creepy!

We both got up from our grass bed. There must be a way out of here! I gently took his hand and started walking straight in front of us. We soon saw a tray of light and we arrived in a village. Every rooftops were low from the stand they were at They could see a couple of coocos wandering around. "It wasn't so long after all!" I said. The most prominent detail they had missed was that giat circles seemed to have fallen from the sky.

We got into a nearby inn for indications. "Hey mam!" The lady raised her sight and immediately turned pale. "Are you feeling good? You look a little frail, "said Link, approaching her. "Please, no..." She kept repeating, hugging herself. "Y-Yi-Yiga!" She screamed.

In a couple of seconds, there were guards surrounding both me and Link. I turned to him; he did not look like he knew what was happening. They tied our hands in the back and we were brought to a young lady of long white hair. She had an enormous hat on her head, but it didn't seem that heavy, at least for her. She turned around and started blushing at the mean sight of Link.

-L- Li- Link?! But... Wait- It's not- you? –She seemed utterly confused.

-I am Link! How do you know my name? –He said.

-It can't be you, you never talk to anyone! Nobody has ever heard you talk!

-Wh- I talk... well not all the time but... –He turned to me then to her again. –Where are we?

-You are currently on the grounds of Kakariko village! Now tell me, are you or are you not a yiga?

-A what? Wait- Kakariko? It's... much bigger than I remembered! I'm sorry, I am Link Athon, I come from... well, that village is gone- I come from Oran village. It has been destroyed some time ago though. And this is...

-I am Ganondorf, King of the gerudo. I have been born as the only man of-

-We know the history of the gerudo, sir! –She said, a little irritated. –I guess it is only natural that I present myself. I am Paya, cheffes of the sheikah reassembled here. Fortunately enough for you, The castle cannot offer you a cell so we will have to find another tribe to take you in.

-The castle... You mean that Hyrule castle's cells are full? Are there that many criminals? –I asked a bit carelessly.

-Are you playing dumb with me? The castle in not only crumbling to pieces bit is FLOATING! –She took a deep breath. –Excuse my impatience. It seems that the closest place for you to stay would be Zora's domain.

-The domain? There are no cells there! Only a shop and a pool. –Questioned Link.

Lady Paya covered her face with a hand before indicating the guards to take us there. Off to Zora's domain we go.



Paya! They are officially lost in time. Guess who they will meet now??? 

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