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Note— I know that a lot of my chapters are short, give it a shot, please! And the beginning is a little crappy compared to the rest of the story! Thank you and good reading!

Also, the image over the title is the character line up ^^

12 august 2023

(Art by me :D )

A long ride from castle-town lived a young boy that the sense of affirmation lacked. He worked as a simple cashier in a magic item shop, barely enough to pay the rent that his adoptive mom insisted on. The day was almost over so he began to clean the counter, the shelves and the benches. As he was set to leave, he ran into a tall client.

-I am very sorry, dear! Did I harm you? – Said the stranger in a cape while handing his hand to the young boy that fell to the ground.

-Eh, I'm-I'm fine.—Said-he, grabbing the flirtatious yet kind man's hand.— You took me by surprise h– He interrupted his apologies when he saw the client's face. The perfect features on his tan face, the reddest eyes he ever saw and luxurious fire hair from under his hood made the youth's checks go bright red. He froze and fell on the man's chest. He quickly got off and bowed to apologize with the most embarrassed expression on his face.

-Are you okay?—Said the tall man, a bit nervous.

-I-eh-I'm-I'm Link-I mean I'm fine! I'm fine,thank you.— He managed to stutter.

-Link?—He smiled.—I am the k... I am Ganondorf! It's nice to meet you, dear. —He addressed once again his hand.

This time, Link shook it and simply blushed. His blue eyes shined in a feelling he never felt before, something that made him feel like he was on top of a cloud. His heart was raising and his stomach was upside down as he left the store to get back home. He looked back at his work place from afar hoping for something he was not sure of. Was he hoping for that stranger to get back to him?

Still half asleep on the back of his horse, he arrived in his home village. The place was back in the faron woods and didn't have a lot of villagers. After the death of his single mom, Link was adopted by the mother of his only friend.

-I see you're coming back late again!—Stated the authoritative woman.—Now get inside and clean the dishes so we can start eating!

-Yes ma'am. —As told, he got down his mount and got to work. A few minutes later, a girl came in and walked to him.

-Again?—she said, visibly annoyed. — Let me finish the dishes before I explode! You go rest a big little bro, oki?

-I'm fine Zeli!—He said, shockingly smiling.

-What happened to you? Why do you have this stupid little smirk?—She said laughing.—You're all red, did you catch a cold?

-Huh? N-no! I'm fine. Nothing's wrong, nothing!

-You're acting all weird, go on, you can't hide from me!

-I—He blushed- Met someone today...


-Nooo!—His face turned red as he covered it with his palms.— I don't know what is happening to me...

-Looove!-She giggled.

-What?—His body shivered.— We don't even know each other! No,no,no! Zeli, please, no!

-Okay... fine. Still, Imma do the dishes and you get yourself some rest. After all, you worked all day long!

— time skip —

-Link! Wake up!—Screamed the girl— You're gonna be late for work! C'mon little bro!

-Hmm-Five... minutes...—And he snuggled back in his covers.

The older girl grabbed the blankets and threw them in the kitchen up from the ladder. She then jumped on the bed like it was a trampoline just to annoy him. The sleepy head then sat up, his hair messier than a cat's hairball.

-Okay, okay!—He rubbed his eyes.—I'm up!

-Oof! You need a hair bath as soon as possible!—Said Zeli in horror.—Let me do that, and then, you're off!

After a painful wash and a long horse ride, he was back to work. He placed his mare in one of the stables at the back of the shop. To his surprise, he saw a man with long hair in a high ponytail decorated with multiple jewels. His stomach filled back with butterflies at the moment he turned his head.

-G-Ganondorf!—He blushed— You came back! Or perhaps you spent the night here?

-Oh! Link, do you come here often?

-Well- I work here. You caught me off guard yesterday! he he... —He laughed nervously.

-I was waiting for someone to come and give me directions, but I ended up sleeping here.

-Shoot! Sorry, I must've forgotten to lock the door... and tell you the shop was closing. My apologies!—He bowed again.

Ganondorf then got up and walked towards Link in a sassy way which made his face all red. He smiled and took his hand to kiss it. "You have very pretty locks this morning, dear!" .Even with his muscular appearance, he had very soft and delicate hands and had a flattering voice. The youngest gazed at him from head to toes. From the jewelry on his bear chest to his fine attire, the embroidery on the border of his cape, his earrings and his bracelets. He stopped when he got to his face where he got stuck on the softness of his lips. He came to realize that perhaps Zeli was right about his feelings. He tried to deny it as much as he could. When he came back on land, he remarked that he was still holding Ganondorf's hand, and tight! The red-haired man tried to ask him what was wrong but no words could be said from him. He was, in a way, in another world.

-I should... maybe get going.—Said the oldest before letting go of Link's hand and the smile on his face.

-Uh-Wait! —Managed to say Link.— I- Uhm- Will we see again?

He smiled as he left his friend in the doorway. Link fell on the floor from legg shakiness but held onto the door frame. "Please come back..." He whispered.

*A little context: Link is 19 and ganondorf is 22. They are both major (or at least where I live aka Canada) It is "legal" ;-; *

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