13th Chapter (Snow)

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The boy opened his eyes again and saw both Malon and Hunter, their eyes wide open. For a split second, Fisher appeared with large white wings before a soft snow fell as the feathers flew away. He looked in his palm just to find the same green stone he held onto before. In its reflection, Ganon's eyes shone.

-You- There were- What?!—They both said at the same time.

Fisher looked up to Hunter and Malon.

-His curse...I remember now! —He said.

He started to walk away when he felt a grip on his wrist. He faced the person.

-Where do you think you're going? You can't just leave!

-I'm not affiliated to any of you, but I am to him. I can't let him to his misery.

-how are you supposed to do that?— Asked Malon.

-I don't know, but I need to try all I can!— His eyes teared up.— If I don't, how could I ever know if I am of any importance?! You both were able to do what needed to be done for Hyrule! You all knew what to do to help your family!— His voice cracked.— I'M JUST A COWARD! How could you tell me to give up on the only one left I care about? I thought it was too late, but now I know I still have a chance... the last one...

Malon came closer to give her a comfort hug. "Don't touch me!" He screamed as he slapped away her arms. He then ran for real this time.


"Gan... You were everything to me. You cannot know just how much I care about you. I would have come back to you if only I had the power to..." His thoughts were interrupted but a soft feeling on his skin. A fresh and light snow was pouring from the sky. He placed his palm ready to grab some flakes but he got chills. He wrapped himself in his own arms, rubbing them to heat while he ran to castle town.

When entering the bar, a chunk of snow barged onto the entrance rug. "Hey! Are you okay?" said a girl from behind the counter. Link raised his sight and saw a young lady with a bright yellow dress, a leather jacket and a purple apron with colorful patterns. She seemed worried by his arrival in the light tunic he had. "Please, come in!" She grabbed a blanket she had on a close bench and gave it to him. "Thank you Kamira."

-Kamira? I must say, I appreciate the compliment, but I'm not Kamira. I'm her daughter, Telma!

-Oh. I really thought it was you. You look just as nice as her.— He said gently.

-What were you doing out in this weather wearing... that!— She asked, concerned.

-Oh... well... It's kind of a long story actually! But you wouldn't believe me for sure...

-I could try at least... eh-

-Link! My name's Link.

-Link? That's not a used name! Thought, my mom told me about a cat that she called Link...— She looked up and saw him awkwardly smiling.— Wait- That was you?!

-You could say that.

-B- but. But you're... —She looked at Link from bottom to top.

-A hylian?

-No, you're... Young! For a hundred and more years old cat-hylian, at least!

-Hum... Thanks I guess?

She giggled before grabbing his hand.



I'm so sorry for how short my updates are but- Telma! She's there too now! You know who else is there if she is? Give your guess in the comment. I'm actually curious who you would like to see make an appearance in this fic!

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