"Is Giulia alright?" I didn't care about Ginevra or who killed her. Of course, the devil had something to do with it.

"I haven't heard anything. Did Giulia message you?" I completely forgot about that because my husband had his way with me.

"Where's my phone?" I searched the nightstand and drawers before I found it in my handbag. The shower turned on, and I rushed back into the bathroom. "She sent me a picture." I pulled out the photo and smiled. She was smiling and looked well-rested. "Hey, Alessio?"

"What is it?" He turned to face me, rinsing his body. I ran my gaze over my husband before showing him the picture.

"What time is it in Australia?" I frowned. Giulia was pregnant. She wouldn't be up, smiling and looking well-rested. She barely coped when she was here.

"It should be after three in the morning. Why?" I got a peek at the curtains in the corner of the photo. The sun was up and high in the sky. I froze, feeling the blood in my veins run cold.

"Alessio." He turned the shower off and walked to me. He took the phone and frowned. "The curtains." I pointed.

He paused. "Fuck. Giulia ditched the flight. The question is to where?" It was night in Russia and here. The sun was barely up in Australia.

"What if she finds herself in trouble?"

"Breathe, Vita Mia." My husband tried soothing me, but I could see the inner turmoil in his eyes. "She's fine." What if she isn't?

"What if she isn't and went to America or, even worse, Mexico." I whimpered. "No, it's not America." She wouldn't go there, where Alberto Conti could readily get her.

"Fuck! No one knows who she is. If she went to Mexico, it's to meet Alicia, her birth mother."

"Adrik allowed her some freedom in Russia. What if someone saw her and reported to Javier? You know they're on the verge of war for drugs."


His angry voice boomed over the phone, a promise of pain and death. He was cursing in Russian, and the only thing on my mind was Javier getting his hands on Giulia. It was on the verge of my tongue telling the room she was pregnant so everyone would regain their sanity. I doubt it would lessen the monster's anger on the phone, but he'd hit a button and blow us all up. It would be the last straw.

"I will get Javier on the phone," Alessandro spoke.

"You think Javier gives a fuck what she is to you? He has anger toward me, Zhopa. Don't fucking forget the impure drugs that fucking boy sold him." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "He'd sell Giulia in a twinkle of an eye, and I swear to fuck, if he lays a finger on her, you'd wish you were never born."

"We'll get her back. We don't know if Javier knows who she is." Antonio interjects.

"Ty tupoy chto li? If he didn't fucking see her, you think I'd waste a fucking breath on you? When I get my hands on her, Antonio. You won't ever see her again."

Translation: Are you dumb?

"What the fuck do you want? You've already killed Ginevra. You can't just fucking enter Cosa Nostra territory and kill people."

"You think I'd let anyone who hurt her walk this earth?" He snickers darkly. "Think hard, Rossi. Then again, you don't have to think shit. I will continue killing everyone who caused her pain and endanger her life."

"She agreed to go to Australia, not Mexico, Adrik." I groaned, ignoring my husband's glare. "You, of all people, should know how sly she is." I gritted my teeth, tired of listening to his threats.

"Shut your pretty mouth, Greta Rossi. I didn't think Alessandro would let his wife in on Mafia business." He snickered.

"This isn't mafia business, but trying to get Giulia out of that country. If you think my listening to your conversation is uncalled for, pray for a better outcome for the woman you claim to be yours."

"I'd stuff your mouth with rocks if it meant hearing you shut the fuck up."

"You'd have to get to me first before you touch my wife." Alessandro snarled.

"How charming."

"Enough!" I yelled, tears blurring my eyes. "You men are arguing when who the fuck knows if Javier has gotten to Giulia. If you're here to spit threats, Adrik—don't waste your time. They're useless because you know if you hurt us, you hurt her." It was a stupid move, but I didn't care. I wanted Giulia safe. "Mexico is fifteen hours away. No doubt you have men already on her tail, so if you have nothing else to say, find her and let us know what happens." If anyone could do it, it was him.

"I owe you shit." He spits, and I boil with anger.

"You don't know Giulia Rossi, then." She would never make him rule her life. She would fight tooth and nail if she wanted something.

"I'll show you how much of a monster I can be." He ended the call before I could add another sentence.

"I just want to strangle that man." I seethed through my teeth, chest heaving uncontrollably. "She'll call us when he gets his hands on her." I turned to face Alessandro.

I don't care if he was mad at me for answering Adrik Mikhailov. Somebody had to call out his bullshit. I know he won't hurt me no matter how he wants to.

Antonio sat hunched in his seat, and I pitied the man. There was only this much he could do to get his daughter back. The man who claimed Giulia had his enemy on her back, and that enemy received impure drugs from Raffaele. Where did he even get it? None of this was going to end up good.

"I'm going to Mexico. Call Nico to get the plane ready."

"I'm coming with you." My husband growled, knowing he would lose this fight, but he tried anyway.

"No. Stay with your wife. Javier is a straightforward man. He doesn't do calls but in-person meetings and contracts. I need to get my daughter out of his hands."

"What if he kills you?" Alessandro pushed.

"Then I did something right." Antonio shrugged. "He won't kill me." He sighed. "Was I the one who sold him fake drugs? I had no deal with Javier. He is under the impression that Santo sold him drugs. It's time to end this fucking shit."

"You're turning Caruso in too?" My eyes widened.

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to, Tesoro. The time is up, and I'll do anything to get my daughter safe." He smiled. I often forget how cold-hearted Antonio Rossi can be.

He left ten minutes later, leaving me thinking about what would happen to the Santo and Edoardo family as both bosses didn't know their lives were up. Did I care? No.

They shouldn't have drugged me or hurt Giulia, thinking it was okay.


Jealousy, jealousy🎶

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