A Day at the Hospital (1)

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Kai's P.O.V:

I was trying to stop the fire on the school building, some might say it's weird that the fire ninja himself is trying to stop a fire. I was helping evacuate people and I was getting buckets of water to help. The only fire that is allowed to burn here is my fire! So, I had to get rid of this one.

As the fire was extinguishing I noticed Skylor coughing on the ground and P.I.X.A.L was next to her. I had to go to Skylor, the other ninja can handle the rest. I went away to change and so I did Spinjitzu and my outfit returned. Then, I ran out of the picture and came back by running towards Skylor and P.I.X.A.L.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Skylor was stuck in the building," P.I.X.A.L said, coughing a lot at the end.

I hugged Skylor and then I took her into one of the ambulances that had shown up. I was scared, I hope I wasn't too late. I held onto Skylor's hand and rubbed it.

"It's going to be ok, it's going to be ok," I repeated, I might be saying that to her, but we all knew I was saying that to myself to make myself feel better.

Once we arrived at the hospital, they took Skylor out of the ambulance and took her inside the hospital. I was sent to fill some papers and then the receptionist told me to go to Room 209.

That was on the second floor, so I took the elevator where one nurse came in with a stretcher and I had to stand at the side.

"H-help m-me," the patient cried.

It made me really uncomfortable.

"I told you Mr.James, I am here to help you," the nurse said.

Once the elevator finally opened, the stretcher didn't move. This wasn't their floor, but it was mine.

"Excuse me," I said.

"Oh sorry," the nurse said.

"No, you're good," I said, getting out of the elevator.

I went to Room 209 and the nurse was in there tending Skylor. Skylor was sitting up and the nurse was giving her water.

"Hello, is Skylor fine now?" I asked the nurse.

"Yes, she is, but the doctor still wants to do one more test to make sure that there is no more smoke in her lungs," the nurse said.

"Ok," I said.

The nurse nodded and left the room. I went to Skylor and hugged her tightly.

"I thought I almost lost you," I said.

"I'm sorry, Kai. I shouldn't have scared you, but at the same time it wasn't my fault," Skylor said.

"What happened? Why were you in the building?" I asked, letting go of her and looking into her eyes.

"I went to use the restroom and then when I went back to the classroom, no one was there and I got stuck. P.I.X.A.L saved me, I want to thank her. I will text her and then I will thank her in person," Skylor said.

I nodded and sat beside her. I texted Nya telling her everything that had happened and I told her to tell Mom about it. Skylor finished texting P.I.X.A.L.

After that the doctor came in and he did some x-rays. He told us to wait for the results so while we waited we talked about the fire and the ninja.

"There were a lot of ninja. They came in many colors," Skylor said.

"Yeah," I said.

I couldn't go to Master Wu today, so I had to tell him tomorrow why I couldn't come. I will tell him and I bet he will understand.

The doctor came in and the results were good, Skylor was good to go home. I took her slowly to her house.

"Thank you, Kai, for saving my daughter's life," Mr.Chen said.

"It was my pleasure. Now you guys have a good night, bye!" I said.

"Bye, good night!" Mr.Chen said.

I went back home and thanked the Master that my mom was asleep. But, in the morning she is probably going to flood me with questions about Skylor. It's fine, at least I can go to sleep. I saw Nya in her room sleeping and I went to my room. I took a long shower and got ready for my beauty sleep. Goodnight myself.

725 words

I'm sorry this is short, I really didn't know what else to add, but the next chapter will kind of be the same like this. I am so sorry, but hey at least I uploaded! I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter! Bye bye!!

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