Identity Revealed of the Lightning Ninja

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*The Next Day*

Cole’s P.O.V:

I was walking to the ice cream shop on this hot Sunday morning. I needed something to cool me down and an ice cream would do just that! 

The ice cream shop felt miles away as I walked slowly, but it's ok there are only two more streets to turn. I walked and walked until I reached the ice cream shop. Ahhh, victory! 

I was about to step in when I saw the ice ninja inside. There were two girls that worked there surrounding him with ice creams as he munched them up. Dang! 

I went inside to the order place, but nobody was there because of course this ice ninja wanted all the attention! 

I cleared my throat,“excuse me?”

No reply. 

I cleared my throat louder,”Excuse Me?” 

Still no reply and I was getting furious. I wanted that ice cream! 


“What do you want? Dang!” A worker that was focused on the ice ninja said in her sassy voice. 

“Ice cream, duh!” I said in anger. 

Now look, they made me hangry!

“Well which flavor, ugh!” She said, getting up as if I disturbed something important. 

“I would like all of them, thanks,” I said, sitting down on a table. 

She looked at me as her jaw fell to the ground. Did I say something unbelievable? 

I waited for sometime, but it was taking too long and I couldn't stop, but stare at the ice ninja. I called up Kai, Nya, and Skylor. 

“Ughh, what?” I heard Kai’s sleepy voice ask. 

“Yes?” Nya asked. 

“Is it something important?” Skylor asked. 

“Well kind of–”

“You didn't have to ruin my sleep if it wasn't that important!” Kai said. 

“Shut up your lazy butt! This could be important, go ahead Cole,” Nya said. 

“Ok so basically I came to the ice cream shop right to get some ice cream because I am hungry and it is too hot—” 

“Move on,” Skylor said. 

“Yeah so I came and guess who is also here?” I said. 


“The ice ninja and he's munching up ice cream as the two girls that work here are staring at him,” I said. 

“So?” Kai groaned. 

“Wait, this could be important,” Nya said. 

“How?” Skylor asked. 

“Because so far all the people that were ninja were friends, right,” Nya said. 

“So?” Kai said. 

“So, if my theory is correct then the ice ninja could be Zane. We all know how much he loves ice cream,” Nya said. 

“And he's poor so he would use his opportunity as a ninja to get free ice cream,” I said. 

“Exactly!” Nya said. 

“Can I go to sleep now?” Kai asked. 

“Kai, shut up, this is really important,” Skylor said,“wait guys!” 

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