Losing Loved Ones

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Jay’s P.O.V: 

After the whole drama at school was over with, I decided to go home. I usually go home on the bus so I waited for the bus to come which was about 30 minutes so I was just listening to music and sitting down. 

I wonder who the rest of the ninja are, Master Wu never told me anything about those guys. Maybe they are imposters. I need to discuss this with Master Wu! 

I waited for the bus to come and when the bus arrived I hopped in. I saw Nya sitting in the bus, so I decided to sit right next to her. Immediately our hands touched and then our hands intertwined. I smiled as she laid her head on my shoulder. 

We stayed like that for a long time until her stop arrived. Nya kissed me on the cheek and we said goodbye to another. I saw Nya get off the bus and go to her house. 

I stayed in the bus for a few more minutes until my stop came. I got off at my stop which was 30 minutes away from my house. This was because I lied about my stop. If anyone found out that I lived at a junkyard then I would be the laughing stock of the school, so I lied about my stop. 

I walked as I listened to music and when I reached our junkyard I went in our little camper van.

"Hey mom, hey dad," I said.

"Hey honey. Why are you out of school so early?" My mom asked. 

"Oh there was a fire at our school so they let all the students go home early," I said. 

"Oh my..thank the FSM that you are ok. Are you hearing this Ed, our son was in a fire!" My mom said. 

"Yes, I am. Did anyone get hurt?" My dad asked. 

"Not that I know of. Most of the people escaped without any injuries," I said.

"Thank the Master. Is Nya ok?" My mom asked. 

"Yes, she is fine," I said. 

"Good," My mom said as she handed me a plate with a sandwich on it,"eat up. You have to go to work, too."

"Yeah you're right," I said,"actually I will go to work after I finish my homework."

"Sounds good, son," my dad said. 

I took my backpack to a little corner of the junkyard and I started doing my homework. As much as I was good at it, I hated it! Especially English, my weakest subject. That is why I started with my strongest subjects first like math and science. And then I moved on to English. 

After I was done with my homework I decided to go to work. So, I grabbed a water bottle and my headphones. I had to walk for 45 minutes to get to my job, so that is why I brought a water bottle with me. 

As I was walking through the sand, neighborhoods, and finally the city I was wondering when Master Wu would call me to go to his place. I really wanted to tell him what had happened. 

I went into the coffee shop and the AC blew my hair as I walked in. To be honest it felt so good. The only person at work was Hana. 

"Hey Hana," I said. 

"Oh, hey Jay. You're an early bird today," she said. 

"Yeah, there was a fire at our school and they evacuated everyone so I came early," I said. 

"Really? I hope everyone is ok," Hana said. 

"Me too," I said. 

After that we started working. Hana took the orders and I started in the kitchen. It was a little slow so I just completed like five orders before Nya came. 

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