A Day of "Rest"

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P.I.X.A.L’s P.O.V:

After Zane had saved me, I was taken home and I had to rest, which I was doing really well. But, something. Had to disturb my peace. It was the alarm, I had to go save the city! 

Immediately, I hopped out of bed and ran to my Samurai X suit which I changed into really quickly. Then, I hopped into my mech and left the place. 

Apparently Lord Garmadon's men were raiding the city and I had to stop them! Once I got there I noticed that there were a group of tiny ninja fighting each other instead of the enemies. Of course these people will suck! I quickly started to kick some butt as I got in the battle field, the ninja were quick to notice and started doing the same. 

“Now who are you?! This is my job, I trained for this!” The lightning ninja complained. 

“Would you guys just shut up! We need to save the city, then we can fight,” the ice ninja said. 

“He is right,” the green ninja nodded. 

Everyone else agreed and we all started fighting the enemies. We all might be enemies, but at this moment we have one single enemy! 

After they ran away crying, the ninja started fighting again. Oh the Master, will they ever shut up?!

“You were in my way, you big giant mech!” The lightning ninja yelled. 

“It's Samurai X to you!” I yelled back. 

“You almost hurt me!” The earth ninja yelled at the lightning ninja. 

“Well I could smell your stinky breath from here!” the lightning ninja yelled.

“Hey! Your’s stinks more!” Cole yelled. 

“Guys, listen to me first! You were in my way!” the fire ninja yelled at the Earth ninja. 

Like that they were blaming each other and going on and on. They were throwing elements at each other and hurting each other. 

It was the lightning ninja versus the earth ninja and then the earth ninja versus the fire ninja and then the water ninja versus the fire ninja and the ice ninja versus the water ninja and then it kept going until all of us were enemies with each other.  

I hated all those pests! They wouldn't shut up! Especially the orange one like she isn't even a ninja or a samurai, yet she is here! 

Once I reached my cave, I got out of the mech and took off my suit. As soon as that happened, I started coughing a lot. Maybe I did need a lot of rest. I ran all the way to Borg Tower until I reached my bed, panting. Running made it all worse and I wouldn't stop coughing! 

“P.I.X.A.L!” Zane said entering the room. 

When did he get here? I could feel my cheeks heating up. I had to look my best in front of him so I tried my best to cough less. 

“Zane, when did you come?” I asked. 

“I was coming to check on you and then I saw you running. Are you ok? You know you should be resting,” Zane said. 

Oh no! He saw me!

“I do, I was just taking a stroll and I was jogging,” I said coughing. 

“No more of that, you need to rest,” Zane said, giving me some medicine. 

I nodded. 

“Your Father is busy with work and had to go out for a bit, so I am here to take care of you,” Zane said. 

“Thank you so much, Zane,” I said. 

“No problem,” Zane said, putting his hand on mine. 

I wanted to faint! His hand was on mine! But, of course this had to be a horrible time when this is happening, of course I had to be sick! 

“You just need to rest so you can get better soon,” Zane said. 

I nodded and Zane stayed by my side the whole day and helped me. 

“Is it ok if I can sleep here?” Zane asked.

“Of course, you could join me if you like,” I said. 

Zane smiled and laid next to me in bed, we kept our distance until I started coughing a lot and Zane held my hand. We were really close and it felt really good. I enjoyed his presence and I wish this could happen everyday! This was a perfect way to end my day even when I had a terrible morning. 

728 words

Hi guys! I probably didn't update in a long time, sorry! But, I hoped you enjoyed this very short chapter! It is Thanksgiving break for us, but I am really busy so I don't know if I can update a lot. But, I will try my best! Thank you so much and I will see you guys in the next chapter! Bye!

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