Tidy Environment

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Lloyd’s P.O.V:

I was saving the day when some light blue ninja popped up. It was my cue, it was my turn! Master Wu didn't tell me they would be this annoying! He didn't tell me their identities, but he told me that there were more ninja like me. I was the only one that he told. 

I wonder who they are though. Can some be the same age as me or maybe some of them will be older. What if there is one that is a little kid, but Master Wu wouldn't risk a kid's life, would he? Well this wasn't important. 

I had a job to go to, but first homework. As I was walking towards the alleyway where the monastery is I was doing my homework because after this I had practice then I had to go to work, so I was doing my homework while walking. 


This should be a piece of cake, shouldn't it? I took out my phone and took a picture of the equation, immediately the answer showed up, but I didn't want the answer by itself. I read through how it got the answer and it finally made sense to me so I decided to do the rest of the problems the same way. 

When I was done with my homework I threw it in my green Jansport backpack and ran all the way to the alleyway. I went through the secret passageway and I saw Master Wu drinking tea as he was staring at the courtyard. 

"Hi Master Wu, I'm ready for training!" I said.

"Ah dear nephew the courtyard is unclean, do you mind cleaning it?" Master Wu asked. 

"I don't mind, I will get it done in a jiffy," I said. 

I took a rake and started raking all the leaves. It was raining in Ninjago City, but here it was fall weather. Once I was done with raking all the leaves Master Wu had disappeared so I went to the monastery to find him. He was in the living room this time. 

"Master Wu, I am ready!" I said.

"But, look around the living room. Your peers have created a mess," Master Wu said. 

"Don’t worry I will clean it up," I said. 

I quickly went to the cabinets and grabbed a trash bag. I quickly reached for every bottle and bag of chips. Why do my peers not know how to clean after themselves, I just wonder who they are. After that I vacuumed the rug, cleaned the sofa, put the cushions where they belong, wiped the table, and cleaned the TV. 

This time Master Wu wasn't here. I looked around for him until I saw him in my room. 

"Master Wu, can we just start training now?" I asked. 

"But, who is going to clean this mess?" Master Wu asked.

"I don't care about the mess! Training comes first!" I yelled because I was really tired. 

"Don’t be angry, every ninja needs a clean environment to learn, train, fight. So, why don't you make yourself a clean environment?" Master Wu asked. 

"You're right," I sighed. 

I quickly got cleaning and I started cleaning everything from my room to other rooms and the kitchen. I cleaned the whole monastery and I did use my elements a bit, we don't talk about that. 

I went to Master Wu who was drinking tea in the courtyard.

"Hey Master Wu, can we leave training for tomorrow? I am really tired," I said.

Master Wu laughed,"Sure!"

"Thank you! I am going to go to work now," I said. 

"Wait! Make sure you clean my meditation room first," he said. 

"I forgot that room!" I said in disbelief. 

I quickly ran towards the room and started cleaning it. 

"Also, don't forget to do your homework!" Master Wu yelled. 

"I already did it!" I yelled back. 

Wait, no I didn't! I did my math homework, but I forgot my English one! After I finished cleaning I went to my room and started typing on my computer. I had to finish my essay today because it was due today. 

As I was typing about the benefits of fire extinguishers I heard a dragon, it must be the four dragons that Master Wu says aren't mine. He said I will unlock my dragon pretty soon, but those four dragons are the other ninjas. 

After that I heard someone training outside. What if it was one of the other ninja, this was the right time to find out their true identity! I quickly got up and as I went to the door it wouldn’t budge. I kicked it and it still wouldn't move. Oh whatever, maybe I won't be able to see them this time!

After I was done with my homework, I checked my phone and it was almost time for my shift so I opened the door which magically opened this time. It must have been stuck. I have to get that fixed later. 

I saw Master Wu in the courtyard. 

"I'm going to go to work," I said. 

He nodded and I went to work. As I was walking I started humming. When I arrived at the coffee shop, Jay had left and he was in a hurry so I couldn't say hi to him. That's alright though because I already did at school. 

I spent the rest of the day working and then after that I went back home, ate dinner, fixed my door, and fell asleep. 

925 words

Not that long of a chapter, but hey at least I updated in a long time! I am sorry about that though, if you haven't read my announcement, then I am sick and that is why I am updating slowly because I do need rest. That being said I hope you enjoyed this and I will see you in the next chapter, bye!!

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