Start from the beginning

Rain is calm now as he tried to open his eyes, he saw his handsome alpha laying next to him "P'phayu I'm sorry i didn't do anything" he cried even more

"Shhhhh it's okay relax, breath baby you're safe here with me" phayu pull him for a tight hug. They stayed like that for sometime just allowing rain to rest a bit he put his nose on phayu neck inhaling the beautiful scent and dozed off.

Phayu is finally released from all the fear for a minute he thought he couldn't help his boy the worse scenario was gone now... He took a breath and sleep with him for a while.

The sound of his phone wake him up he opens his eyes to see rain is sleeping peacefully. He must be so tired and still probably shaken, he moves slowly grabbing his phone to see tones of messages from sky and Pai asking if rain is okay. He answered them saying he's fine and asleep they feel relieved.

It's now past midnight phayu went to the living room working on his laptop for an hour and sent everything to his cousin saying he won't come to work because rain need him.

He went back to the room to see rain curled hugging his pillow. He sighed "what have you done to me rain" he smiled going back to sleep next to him.

In the morning....

Phayu woke up first and making breakfast for them, when he went back to his room he saw rain sitting in a middle of the bed stretching his arms the boy just woke up rubbing his eyes. The image in front of him is so cute.

"Good morning love how do you feel" phayu asked placing a kiss on rain lips...

"I feel like I've been sleeping for years" the small boy said. Phayu chuckle "it's 10 and your body needed that rest come freshen up and let's eat breakfast"

Phayu is literally taking care of rain like a newborn giving him a bath, dressing him up, feeding him... Rain is so spoiled by now.

"I'm so sorry you had to stay here with me instead of going to work" rain said putting his head down.

After the breakfast they're sitting on the couch cuddling "don't say that I'm happy to be here with you because i love you i want you to be safe and healthy" phayu said with his finger lifting rain's head to look at him deep in the eyes.

"Thank you for being my comfort zone" rain admitted without phayu right now he was going to stay in his dark life.

"I'll always be there for you just relax okay" he kissed his head rain nodded. They just spend the whole day cuddling rain needed his affection and warmth to make him feel good.

Phayu doesn't want to bring up the ex-boyfriend issue, the boy is already so scared the last thing he wants is to add more pressure on him. But he need to know what happened later... He will send people to keep those guys far from rain so they leave him alone for now on.

"P'phayu" rain called

"Yes baby" phayu shift to look at him

"Are you not going to ask me about yesterday" rain said almost not opening his mouth

"No, i trust you i know those guys harassed you and your friends, I'll deal with them don't worry it" phayu said smiling at him

"How did you know" rain can't recall texting phayu how the alpha knew he was in danger

"I don't know rain i felt it, maybe after mating our bond is so strong now i can feel you and i don't want to be separated from you. If just for me I'll stay like this forever" he said

"About those guys sky found who they were and i didn't want to bother you with this matter, i thought they were gone when he smelled your scent and saw i was marked. I didn't know they were tracking me, I'm sorry for hiding it " rain said sadly

"It's okay babe as i said i trust you if you have something to tell me you will do it when you feel comfortable i don't force you. Now let's forget about it" he pecks his lips "Are you feeling okay now " he added

"Actually i want to tell you something, i have to so that my heart will be in peace I don't want to live in fear all the time" rain said

"You don't have to but if it will help you I'm all ears and i won't judge you for anything" the alpha is so understanding

"My ex played me just because i was apparently too bitchy and pretty he wanted to prove to his friends he can sleep with me, all the time i thought he loved me but in the end he just added more fear and insecurity in my life. All this happened last year I'll explain please listen to me" rain said swallowing the invisible bones stuck in his throat.

Phayu just looked at him and nodded"I'm listening take your time"



Thank you for reading 😊🙏🏽 next chapter will be a throwback about rain and his ex-boyfriend relationship.

See you soon xoxo 💋 🤗🤗🤗

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