Chapter 83

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"From my time undercover as one of Mason's recruits, I've had the opportunity to delve into his thought process. He's manipulative, cunning, but also surprisingly paranoid. If we're searching for a passphrase, it must be something deeply personal to him, something he wouldn't suspect anyone else to know. However-"

"So, what you're suggesting, Cora," Alison began, choosing her words carefully, her voice remarkably steady despite the exhaustion, "is that the passphrase could be something only I might be aware of, given my history with Mason." 

Cora nodded.

While Cora continued her train of thought, Alison fought to stay awake. Her head dipped slightly, and her eyelids grew heavier with each passing moment, clearly succumbing to exhaustion.

On the other side of the table, Mason remained silent throughout. His eyes stayed shut, and it was clear that getting him to talk wouldn't be easy.

"Can we hire a hacker or a technician for this job?" Alison asked, her mind racing through possibilities despite her mental exhaustion.

Gabriel stepped in, answering for Cora, "It's not that simple. Mason has implemented intense security measures to protect this passphrase. Highly secure systems and practices make it nearly impossible for hackers to gain unauthorized access."

Alison simply stared at Gabriel, her gaze fixed, her thoughts drifting.

Grayson, sitting beside Alison, stayed quiet. Nobody knew Mason the way Alison did. There was nothing he could contribute in terms of insight or strategy.

His eyes roamed around the booth, shifting from Cora to Gabriel, then to Rupert, Mason, and back to Alison.

Rupert chimed in, matter-of-factly, "Mason's history has either been erased or concealed, much like your records," he said. It was evident he wasn't going to allow Alison the satisfaction of thinking he was too embarrassed to speak up. "Consider what matters most to Mason, something deeply ingrained in his life. He's obsessed with control and power, but he's also obsessed with you."

Grayson's eyes shifted back to Alison.

She shifted uncomfortably, her fingers tapping on the table. Grayson could see that the flood of memories and emotions must have been overwhelming for her.

"Think back to your time with Mason. Think about your shared experiences, your conversations, and even your arguments," Rupert continued, trying to provoke a reaction from Alison. "Think about the times when he seemed vulnerable, the moments when his guard slipped. Or what was he like when he thought no one was watching?" 

Alison remained composed, refusing to let the memories of Mason affect her anymore.

As Rupert continued, Grayson silently brainstormed alongside them, trying to contribute ideas to ease the burden on Alison. And then, a thought struck him.

Mason had a brother, an aspect that didn't align with what Grayson had learned from the files about Mason. There was no record of Mason having any siblings. Moreover, Mason had penned an acknowledgment page specifically for Alison, an unexpected act. The book held a crucial clue or even the passphrase itself. Alisa had mentioned that it was at least a paragraph long, making it difficult for hackers to crack.

He  gently placed a hand on Alison's shoulder, sensing the stitches under her shirt. "The book," he said softly, almost a whisper.

Alison suddenly froze, her eyes unblinking, and for a moment, it seemed like she wasn't even breathing. Grayson couldn't tell whether exhaustion had overtaken her or if she had drifted into some deep thought. Then, as if in slow motion, her hand reached up and gently grabbed Grayson's hand, guiding it down to rest beside her under the table.

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