Chapter 47

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Mason's party location was well guarded, though not as secure as Hawthorne Mansion. It was a grand estate with serene lily ponds and an elegant Greek fountain. Grayson couldn't help but wonder if this was Mason's own residence. If so, why was he living in a hotel? Thoughts swirled in Grayson's mind, suggesting that Mason might be spying on him or keeping tabs on Alison.

Grayson made his way through the crowds of familiar faces, acquaintances who had crossed paths with his grandfather in the past. But Alison remained no where to be found, her presence like a whisper in the wind, felt but not seen. He wondered if she was deliberately avoiding him, or if she too was lost among the many guests.

Grayson's eyes were drawn to a grand staircase leading to the upper floors. Something told him that Alison might be hiding in the shadows, observing from a distance. With each step closer, his heart raced in anticipation, until he glimpsed a figure with strawberry blonde hair at the base of the grand staircase. A surge of emotions overwhelmed him, and for a moment, he dared to believe that it was Emily standing there.

"Emily," Grayson muttered, his voice trembling slight. His steps faltered as he approached the girl, his breathing quickening. He reached out and touched her shoulders, praying that when she turned around, he would be met with the familiar face he longed to see.

 The girl slowly turned, revealing her features, and Grayson's heart sank. "Grayson Hawthorne?" It wasn't Emily. The girl had green eyes, pink puckered thick lips, and sharp eyebrows. Grayson  took a step back. "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else," he apologized, his voice filled with a mix of relief and disappointment. The girl's eyes widened in surprise. "No problem," she replied, her voice tinged with confusion but amazed. The girl was about to speak, but Grayson spoke first. "Have a good evening," he managed to say, his voice slightly quivering. His heart thumped in his chest, yet he maintained a calm facade. The sight of someone resembling Emily unsettled him, awakening the ache and yearning he held for her. He turned away, trying to regain his composure, and continued his search for Alison.

Grayson climbed the stairs, the wood creaking softly under his steps, while a gentle breeze tousled his silver hair.

At the top, Grayson entered a long corridor filled with beautiful paintings. Soft lights cast a gentle glow, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. He walked through the corridor, alert and focused, taking in every detail.

Suddenly, his attention was seized by a door at the end of the hall. A sliver of light escaped from beneath it, beckoning him forward. Grayson's heart raced as he approached, his hand reaching for the doorknob. With a steady turn, he pushed the door open, revealing a room awash in a warm, golden glow.

Inside, he discovered walls of bookshelves, and a long table with a single wheeled chair. It seemed to be a study room, perhaps Mason's. But why would Mason have a hotel room if this was his house? Grayson couldn't help but question Mason's true intentions, wondering if he was merely keeping tabs on him or even Alison.

Seating himself on the chair, Grayson traced his finger along the wooden desk, searching for hidden compartments. He explored every inch, tracing up and down, left and right, but found nothing. Assured that there were no secrets to uncover, he pushed himself across the room and focused on the shelves of books. Though the room was small, it felt like being in Hawthorne library. And then, a memory struck, one of their grandfather's games where Grayson, Jameson, and Xander had faced a clue that led them to one of many libraries in Hawthorne Mansion.

"What are we suppose to find again?" Xander asked, looking up at the second oldest Hawthorne brother.

Grayson shrugged, his brows furrowing. "You tell me, Xander."

The two of them had been searching the bottom shelves of the library for three hours, finding nothing of significance. Grayson glanced up at Jameson, who had been absorbed in reading a small green book. "Got anything to share with us, Jamie?" he quipped.

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