Chapter 39

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Jolene drove skilfully through the city, her green eyes shifting between the road and the rearview mirror. The men in black chasing them were right behind, their car's headlights glaring like predators.

"Who are they?" Grayson shouted over the engine noise.

Hudson turned to Grayson, his eyes filled with excitement. "They're Mason's guys," he replied.

The car swiftly turned a sharp corner. Grayson clung to his seat and stole a quick look at Shea beside him. Her face had gone pale, and she tightly held William's hands for comfort and security.

"What do they want from us?!" Shea yelled, shutting her eyes as the car made another tight turn.

"They want Grayson," William calmly answered. "Then, they want to kill all of us."

The SUV blended into traffic, briefly losing sight of the pursuing men in black.

Hudson spoke softly, looking at Shea through the mirror. "I know it's awful," he admitted with concern. "But-"

Shea's distress overflowed, her voice wailing. "It's worse than awful!" she cried. "Why do they want Grayson!?"

In contrast to the chaos, William remained composed. "Because he's Alison's boyfriend," he explained, gently stroking Shea's hair to calm her.

"I'm not Alison's anything," Grayson asserted firmly, his frustration growing. "They can't hurt us, especially not me," he added.

Shea's worried eyes turned to Grayson, seeking answers. "What do you mean 'they can't hurt us'?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Although one would normally find solace in hearing they were safe from harm, Shea's question confirmed that Shea didn't understand the situation they were in, and possibly didn't know who was sitting next to her.

Hudson leaned forward to Shea, shedding light on the matter. "Grayson is one of Tobias Hawthorne's grandsons, the Texas billionaire," he revealed. "If anything happens to Grayson or if he disappears, it would cause problems for Mason. Plus, if we died, Grayson will be a witness. His wealth and influence would complicate Mason's life even more."

For the first time, Hudson's words made sense to Grayson.

"What?" Shea blurted out, still confused.

"No one can harm Grayson," William clarified. "Otherwise, I would have already taken care of it."

"William!" Shea exclaimed, her eyes fixed on him.

Jolene's voice interrupted the tension. "Are we still heading to the airport?"

Grayson looked at Jolene through the mirror. Her fiery red hair cascaded in waves, catching the light. Her freckles adorned her emerald green eyes that held a mischievous glint.

Hudson paused for a moment, shifting his gaze to Jolene. "Yes," he finally answered, his voice firm.

Shea turned around in her seat. "Guys, we've got company," she alerted them. Jolene glanced at the rearview mirror. The men in black had finally caught up to them. "Hold on, everyone," Jolene said, her voice steady.

Jolene skilfully manoeuvred through the busy lanes, avoiding traffic with precision. The men in black were relentless, tailing them closely, their determination evident.

William reached out and gently turned Shea's head to his direction, offering a reassuring smile. "We'll be okay," he softly assured her.

Shea nodded, holding onto his hand tightly. "I trust you," she whispered, vulnerable.

The SUV screeched to a halt at the airport entrance. Jolene quickly parked, scanning the surroundings for any danger. Hudson and William swiftly opened the doors, urging everyone to hurry.

"Anyone want something from the store before we go in?" Hudson asked, slamming the door.

"No!" Shea replied, her voice echoing through the night.

"Let's go then." Jolene led the way, her red hair flowing as they hurried through the bustling airport. They weaved through crowds, trying to blend in and avoid attention. People rushed by, unaware of the lurking danger. Grayson's heart pounded as he led, focused on boarding the plane and escaping Mason's henchmen.

Shea clung tightly to William's hand, scanning the surroundings for signs of danger.

Feeling her fear, William squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Don't let go of me, okay," he whispered.

Hudson kept watch, his eyes scanning the busy crowd. "We need to be fast," he urged, his voice urgent.

He glanced back at Jolene, who followed closely, her expression determined. "Head to Gate 23. I booked a private flight," she informed, professionally.

They hurried toward Gate 23, navigating through travellers.

As they reached the gate, Grayson saw the waiting airplane on the tarmac, engines humming softly. It symbolized their escape, a chance to leave their troubles behind, at least for a while.

"We're almost there, Shea," William said, conviction in his voice.

Shea looked up at him, eyes filled with fear and hope. She nodded, holding onto his words.

Hudson motioned Shea, William, and Grayson to join him. Grayson stepped onto the airplane; Jolene followed closely, ensuring nobody followed them.

Settling into their seats, the plane started moving, ready for takeoff. Grayson leaned back, his mind filled with questions and uncertainties.

Shea sat a couple of rows ahead with William. She held his hand tightly, grateful for their escape. She turned to Grayson, offering a small smile. "We made it," she whispered gratefully.

Tears shimmered in Shea's eyes, a mix of fear and relief. "I can't believe it," she murmured with a blend of disbelief and exhaustion. "I thought they would catch us."

Hudson nodded, eyes scanning the cabin for any danger. William leaned forward, his voice calm yet resolute as he whispered to Hudson, loud enough for Grayson to hear. "We bought ourselves some time, but we can't let our guard down," he cautioned.

As the  plane took off, Grayson glanced one last time outside the window. Mason's henchmen glared at them through the gate window.

A knot of unease settled in Grayson's stomach. Something told him that he wasn't suppose to be here, and that this was just the beginning. Hudson settled to the row beside to Grayson with a smirk on his face. "Boston, here we come!"

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