Chapter 81

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"You guys should freshen up and change into some clean clothes. Then meet me down at the restaurant," Cora said, handing room keys to Grayson and Alison before confidently striding down the hallway toward the elevator.

Grayson felt exhaustion seeping into his very bones. All he yearned for was to collapse onto a bed and drift into a deep  sleep. He headed to his room, took a quick shower, slipped into fresh clothes, and stepped back into the hallway.

Just as Grayson swung open his door, Alison stepped out of hers.  She wore a white long-sleeve shirt that hugged her waist, teasingly revealing her midriff. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail, but a few stray strands framed her face. A bandage covered her forehead cut, and she had dark circles under her eyes.

"Hey," she said with a tired smile.

"Hey," Grayson replied.

They lingered in the corridor for a moment before deciding to head to the elevator. As they rode down to the hotel's restaurant, Grayson remembered the book he had picked up earlier at the library – Mason's book. He reached into his jacket and handed it over to Alison.

Alison stared at the book, her gaze shifting between Grayson and the book. She moved slowly, almost hesitantly, as she took it from him. Her fingers traced over the cover, flipping through the pages before firmly closing the book.

Grayson knew there was no practical reason to hold onto the book now that Mason was behind bars. There was no need to hold onto the past. He glanced at the book and then back at Alison, half-expecting a question that never came.

The elevator doors slid open, and Cora was waiting for them just outside the restaurant's glass door entrance. "This way," she beckoned, leading them to a quiet booth tucked away in a corner.

Alison, clearly exhausted, sank into a spot, appearing quite eager to sit down. Grayson followed suit, surprisingly choosing to sit beside her rather than across from her. He knew Cora, Gabriel, and likely Rupert would be joining them, and he had no interest in being on the same side of the table with them.

"I'll be back shortly with some food,"  Cora promised, leaving them in the booth.

Grayson settled in, leaning back slightly, resting his head against the soft sofa. His eyes closed, and he dozed off without realizing it.

After about thirty minutes had passed, Grayson woke up, blinking away the drowsiness that clung to him. He tilted his head left, only to find Alison leaning on his shoulder, fast asleep. Her soft breathing and peaceful expression told him she was deeply asleep.

Despite his initial intention to wake her, Grayson hesitated. He couldn't deny that he, too, had needed the rest.

Looking around, he noticed Cora hadn't returned with their food, and Gabriel and Rupert were nowhere to be seen. He decided to let Alison have a few more minutes of rest.

Grayson adjusted himself, allowing Alison to get more comfortable. To his surprise, she moved closer, folding her arms across her chest and burying her face into his shoulder. He felt a faint ticklish sensation as her hair brushed against his neck followed by a familiar ache in his chest. It was a feeling he'd felt before and wished would just disappear.

He took a deep breath and tried to push away the ache in his chest, letting his mind drift away from it. He considered talking to Alison about his plan to leave Boston next week, but deep down, he knew she probably already knew. She knew who he was, Grayson Davenport Hawthorne, and she was aware of Avery's inheritance and the media frenzy around her upcoming birthday.

Grayson believed Alison wasn't naive; she likely knew he'd be leaving, with all the attention on Avery. The thought eased some of the weight in his chest, though it left behind a lingering feeling of sadness and resentment. Sitting there, he wondered how Alison felt about his impending departure and if their paths would ever cross again.

Grayson closed his eyes again and, once more, drifted into sleep.

He had a brief dream, a memory really. It was Grayson's 10th birthday, and his grandfather had given him a book to jot down his future plans. The old man told Grayson to write down his ideas, then tear the paper out, and rewrite it over and over again. As he revisited the dream, he thought it would make a nice birthday gift for Avery...

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