Chapter 70

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Grayson was stunned silent. Nothing anyone had ever said had hurt him so much. Not his brothers. Not Avery. Not even Emily. Nothing.

Grayson stood there, his heart pounding in his chest, overwhelmed by Alison's words and the emotions that swirled within him. He hadn't expected her to respond this way, to stand her ground and express her feelings for him despite his anger and his past. It left him feeling vulnerable, exposed, and it frightened him.

For a moment, he was at a loss for words, his mind racing to process everything. He looked into Alison's eyes, searching for any sign of doubt or hesitation, but all he found was sincerity and determination. She wasn't playing games; she meant every word she said.

As Grayson's guard began to crumble, he took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He reached out and gently touched Alison's cheek, his thumb tracing the faint red mark, possibly from the chilly air or an accidental bump during their...argument. "You're so damn stubborn," he whispered, his voice trembling with a mixture of frustration and awe.

Alison eyes locked onto his. "I have to be, especially when it comes to you."

It struck him like a bolt of lightning that maybe, just maybe, Alison had a deeper understanding of him than he'd ever given her credit for.

Alison's life story, bits of which she had shared over time, became clear in his mind. She grew up poor, worked hard to finish school, and carried her family's financial problems. It was very different from his privileged life.

But there was more to her story. Her parents had taken their own lives due to her and Mason's plans, and she looked after her older brothers, especially William who was on the verge of death. Grayson realized that Alison understood the pain of loss and hardship, just as he did.

The more he thought about it, the more he saw her struggle with guilt, similar to his guilt over Emily's death.

Emily's death haunted him constantly. He believed he caused it by taking her to a dangerous place, even though he knew her heart gave out, and nothing could have changed that, no matter how fast help arrived. But he still blamed himself; she'd still be alive if he hadn't brought her there.

Grayson's thumb continued its soothing motion on her cheek as he leaned in closer, their lips almost touching. "I don't know if I can give you what you want," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper.

Without a word, Alison reached up and began to fix his dishevelled collars. Her fingers moved with gentle precision, smoothing out the fabric and straightening the edges.

Grayson watched her in silence, his earlier frustration fading away as he focused on the warmth of her touch. He could feel the tension in his shoulders slowly melting, replaced by a sense of calm that Alison seemed to bring. 

"The first time I met you, I honestly didn't want anything to do with you," she began,as she continued to adjust his collar, her fingers tracing the fabric with care. "You were just another cog in the machine, another move in my grand strategy, another tool in my kit to play against Mason."

Pausing, she glanced at Grayson, searching his face for any reaction, finding none, and resumed her focus on his collar. "When my initial plan actually worked, when I saw the impact it had on Mason, that's when it dawned on me – you were the best card I ever played."

With his collar finally in order, her fingertips lingered near his neck. "As time went on, I began to feel these little tingles, and honestly, I had no clue what to make of it or what was going on inside me. But I couldn't deny that I liked it. It felt warm and fuzzy, and made me feel happy."

She leaned in just a fraction, closing the last bit of distance between their lips until they were just a breath apart. "Then, out of the blue, I caught myself humming, daydreaming, even smiling, and I realized you weren't just a part of my plan anymore; you became the reason I believed I could win."

Her hand tilted Grayson's head so their foreheads touched,and Grayson could feel Alison's warm breath against his lips.

Alison's hand slid from Grayson's neck to cup his cheek, her thumb gently tracing the contours of his jaw. The tingles she had spoken of earlier were no longer a mystery to Grayson, he had felt something similar too with Alison.

Was this love? The thought both terrified and exhilarated him.

Alison closed her eyes, her words soft and almost trembling, and Grayson felt a pang of anxiety deep within him. "I almost wished we never met."

Her words hung in the air, and Grayson felt a tight knot forming in his chest. He understood the pain she was referring to - the turmoil, the complexities, and the uncertainty that their relationship had brought into their lives.

Alison gently opened her eyes, tears forming at the corners,  and her expression was so filled with pain that Grayson had to shut his own eyes before she spoke.

"This is the part where we end your part of this story."

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