Chapter 27

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The next day, Grayson went to the music room to meet Alison for a unknown reason. Finally, he reached a set of ornate double doors, their grandeur matching the allure of the melodic whispers inside. Pushing them open, he found Alison, her hair neatly braided, seated at the piano. Her fingers moved effortlessly across the keys, producing a rhythm unfamiliar to Grayson's ears.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as Grayson watched Alison play. With a tender smile, Alison turned to Grayson, acknowledging his presence without uttering a single word. Grayson listened and watched her play, catching onto the melody.

Beside Alison, a violin beckoned to Grayson, and without hesitation, he took hold of it. Placing the instrument against his shoulder, he matched his bow strokes to the rhythm emanating from the piano. Each stroke of the violin brought him closer to Alison, until they stood side-by-side.

As they played side by side,Grayson caught fleeting glimpses of Alison stealing glances in his direction. He resisted the urge to glance back at her, and focused on their shared performance. Then, unexpectedly, Alison started to sing.

When I look into your eyes,

I know that I can only do so much...

I know that I'm not enough,

So you don't have to lie about our love...

Her singing voice is like a delicate blend of velvet and honey, carrying a hauntingly beautiful tone. It holds the weight of countless emotions, with each note dripping with a bittersweet longing that tugs at the heartstrings.

You're my one and only, my heart's desire,

Together we'll set the world on fire.

With every note I sing, with every word I say,

I know I can only do so much...

As the music of the piano faded, so did the violin, leaving behind an echo of her voice that hung in the air. The silence that followed was palpable, and Grayson looked down at Alison, anticipation in his eyes.

Moments stretched on, seemingly too long, before she made a move. Pulling out a folder with the Harvard University stamp, Alison placed it gently on the piano's surface. She turned her gaze towards Grayson, her deep blue eyes captivating him for a moment.

"This should be the only record of me," she glanced at the folder, then back at Grayson. "Do you want to know me?" she asked, her tone implying more than a mere inquiry.

Grayson met Alison's gaze, his attention momentarily shifting to the folder resting on the piano. What did she mean by "knowing" her? Did she refer to understanding her through collected data and files? Or did she mean getting to know her on a personal level?

Alison maintained her poker face, her eyes fixed on Grayson. He reached out and took hold of the folder, feeling the weight of Alison's piercing stare like a focused laser beam. This was for my  own good, he reminded himself. For our own good.

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