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Luke and Michael had settled into a familiar routine by the time it was mid March. They would go to class together, spending some time eating on campus or at the diner, they'd meet Ashton and the gang in the evenings and then they'd go back to Michael's room and have some nice, relaxing fun together. Luke slept over in Michael's room on most nights during the week. He harder ever saw Calum anymore but when he did see the boy on campus, Calum would actually stop and talk to Luke about how his day was going and what he was up to. It was something Luke never would have expected but cherished nevertheless. Better late than never, he thought.

One crisp autumn evening, they decided to take a break from their busy schedules and enjoy a quiet date night at their little diner they had come to love. They would never get enough of this place. Michael was making his way through the entire menu but Luke more or less stuck to what he knew best. The diner was cozy tonight and the dim lighting had a nostalgic atmosphere around it. It was the perfect place for them to unwind and reconnect after a hard week of lectures and assignments.

They sat across from each other in a corner booth, their fingers gently intertwined on the checkered tablecloth. The soft chatter of other diners and the clinking of cutlery filled the air. Luke's heart swelled with contentment as he looked over at Michael, his eyes reflecting the warm glow of the diner's interior.

Sierra approached them both with a friendly smile. Neither of them could deny that she was absolutely beautiful on a normal day but there was just something about her in her red uniform that made her look even more stunning. "Hey guys." she greeted them with a cute smile. "What can I get for you?"

"Just the chicken and waffle for me, thanks." Luke said to her with a small smile. Michael ordered something similar and they both ordered some milkshakes too.

"God. You and your blueberry milkshakes. You know the only reason it's still on the menu is because you get it every week." She informed him with a hint of amusement on her words as she wrote down their orders. Luke waved her off dismissively and she eventually walked away.

Luke and Michael turned their full attentions back to each other and the black-haired boy was aimlessly playing with Luke's fingers on top of the table, loving the way their rings matched and their hands fit perfectly in each others. "So, how was your day?" he asked Luke with a smile.

"It was good. After the English lecture I spent some time doing my assignments in the library and then I facetimed Jack. He says hello, by the way." Luke said to him.

"What did you guys talk about?" Michael asked.

As Luke started to talk about his conversation with his brother, he couldn't help but notice a stranger at a nearby table who seemed to be watching them closely. The man's gaze was very intense and Luke couldn't shake the feeling that something was weird about the guy. He tried his best to keep his gaze on Michael but the man kept staring at him. He could see it from the corner of his eye and he absolutely hated it. His anxiety was rising.

Michael noticed Luke's unease and furrowed his brows. "Is something wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with concern as he leaned forward a little bit.

Luke hesitated for a moment before replying. "I think that person over there is staring at us and it doesn't feel right." He muttered.

Michael turned around and settled his attention to the stranger, his eyes narrowing slightly. The stranger quickly averted his gaze but it was clear that he had been observing them intently. Maybe Michael's scary aura had scared him off a little bit which annoyed Luke. Did he come across as a loser who couldn't stand up for himself? Probably.

A mixture of emotions washed over Luke. He couldn't help but assume that the stranger was disgusted by their relationship because the man's gaze kept looking down at their hands that were clasped onto each others on top of the table. In a moment of insecurity, he quickly withdrew his hand from Michael's grasp, his heart heavy with self-doubt. He felt like crap.

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