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Luke's day went by slowly and quietly. He didn't see Ashton again after they had departed after their English class, but Luke tried not to focus on the fact that he didn't really have anyone else to speak to. It didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. Maybe he was just used to it by now. Luke walked out of the grubby building and out onto the beautiful campus that he loved so dearly. Although college life was quite lonely for him, Luke knew that he would eventually miss being at college once he left. It was so beautiful here during the different seasons. The grass was always cut perfectly, the gardeners making sure everything was in perfect conditions. The line of daffodils that littered the paths forced a smile onto Luke's face every single time he saw them. It was the little things that mattered.

He wanted to go back to his room and shower as quickly as he could so that he could go and grab some food. Luke could have easily afforded to have an apartment by himself off campus, but he decided that he didn't want to give people another reason to shut him out. He decided it would be best to live like a normal teenager. One that had a roommate and a small room. He liked his roommate enough although they barely really spoke.

Luke opened the door to his room and saw Calum sat there typing away on his laptop. The boy merely glanced up and continued to bash the keyboard as if he was trying to hurt it. "Yo." Calum mumbled to Luke.

"Hey," Luke smiled, "you had a good day?"

"Yeah, I guess." Calum replied, his eyes fixated on the laptop screen in front of him. "Just trying to get this page completed before I get ready to go out."

"You got homework on the first day?"

"Yep," he sighed, "well kinda. It's not really homework. Just a page."

"Oh." Luke muttered.

And again, that was it. Luke's relationship with Calum was very similar to the relationship he had with Ashton. They only spoke because they saw each other mostly every day. Luke knew that Calum just about tolerated him. They never really hung out unless they were both hungry at the same time. They never had heart to hearts. The only reason Calum agreed to be Luke's roommate for a second-year running was because Luke was very clean, and Calum liked the fact that Luke barely spoke. Calum enjoyed the quiet and also enjoyed the fact that Luke never really had an issue with Calum coming home some nights absolutely wasted at ridiculous times in the morning.

Luke grabbed his shower bag and walked out of the room, down the hallway of the boys' dorms and entered the shower room. There was nobody here at this time which he was thankful for. Luke quickly showered and started to walk back down the hallway towards his room with his towel hanging around his waist. Nobody was shy around this building as it was just boys. Nobody really cared either. Luke was thankful for that.

On his way to his room however, Luke noticed a familiar flock of black hair walking away from him and down the long hallway. Luke reached his door and placed his hand on the doorknob but still kept his eyes on the black-haired boy who had stumbled late to his English lecture today. The boy had a large box in his hand and looked like he was struggling to carry it. It looked like he was moving all of his stuff in which is weird because mostly everyone had moved their belongings in a week ago. Luke furrowed his eyebrows. Late to class and late to move in to the dorms?

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Luke entered his room and walked over to his neatly made bed. By now, Calum had finished writing whatever he was writing and was changed into black jeans and a nice red, short-sleeved shirt which showed his arms. It was clear Calum worked out.

"I'm off out. I'll try not to be too loud when I come back later." Calum said to Luke, showing him a smile.

Luke smiled back. He knew that Calum would definitely not be too loud because he never was. Although the boys hardly hung out, Calum was respectful towards Luke. "Are you doing anything in particular tonight?" Luke asked, his interest peaking.

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