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The days were all blurring into one. Luke hadn't really spent much time alone with Michael in his room since the day after the frat boys birthday party. They had talked in class and hung out at the diner but other than that, they hadn't spent time alone in the secluded four walls of Michael's bedroom. He wanted to be in that bedroom again. Not because he wanted to do any funny business with the boy, but because he felt like he couldn't really breathe when he was in the outside world and the only person he felt like he could be himself around without any judgment, was Michael. The black-haired boy made him feel like he didn't have to hide. That he could say the wrong things. That he was allowed to be wrong sometimes.

As the morning sun cast a warm glow across the campus of their university on Friday morning, Luke and Michael strolled side by side, backpacks slung over their shoulders. Luke cherished their walks to class, even if Michael was sometimes grouchy and tired. The sound of their footsteps echoed on the cobblestone path as they made their way to their English class.

"Hey, Michael, did you see the latest Mario Kart update? They've added some amazing new tracks. I saw it on twitter." Luke said with a smile.

Michael glanced at Luke and managed a small and tired smile. "Yeah, I saw it online too. It looks incredible. I can't wait to try it out later. You can come round, if you want." He said to Luke. The suggestion hung in the air like a prize. Luke grabbed the opportunity and nodded his head.

"Yeah, that would be nice. I'll come to your room around 7?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

"Sounds good." Michael replied, nudging the boy playfully. They continued to chat animatedly about the mario kart video game, discussing strategies and sharing anecdotes of epic races and close calls. Luke's enthusiasm was infectious, and it brought a temporary lightness to Michael's heart.

As they neared the English building, Luke noticed the pensive look on Michael's face. "Hey, is everything okay?" He asked gently.

"Yeah. Fine. Just tired." Michael said.

Luke frowned. His tone was off and he knew Michael wasn't just 'fine' like he said. "You sure?" Luke pushed.

Michael sighed softly, his British accent tinged with a touch of melancholy. "It's my dads birthday today."

"Oh." Luke murmured sadly.

Michael noticed how Luke's voice had dipped and he didn't want to bring the mood down but he continued. "It feels like it's been so long since I've seen them and we would always make a big deal of other peoples birthdays, ya know? The time zones are a bitch and I barely speak to them anymore. Plus, my friends are always hanging out and it feels like they've forgetting about me."

"You're getting fomo from the other side of the world." Luke said to Michael, a frown on his face.

"Fomo?" Michael asked in confusion.

"Fear of missing out. I get that you miss them. It's normal when you move across the world but you know... i'm always here to cheer you up." He said to the boy. Luke put a reassuring hand on Michael's shoulder and the black-haired boy looked at him. "I do kind of understand how you feel. Obviously it's a little different for me because I only moved across the country, not the whole world. Being far from home can be tough but you've got friends here who care about you. Like me and Ashton. And hey, we can play Mario Kart together whenever you want to feel a bit closer to home. Or go to that British bar again. That was great. Even if I did spoil that day."

"You didn't spoil that day! It was great." Michael scolded him. A small smile returned to Michael's face as he looked at Luke, his friend's kindness touching his heart. "Thanks, Luke."

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