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Halloween night came by quickly. October 31st was a Friday which meant that everyone on campus was probably going to be heavily intoxicated by midnight. Luke was unsure of whether he wanted to drink too much because he didn't like the idea of not being able to be in control of himself so he decided to just wait and see what his plans would be. There was a few different parties going on around campus but he was obviously just going to go to the one which Michael was going to.

Ashton had messaged him with information about a party around 6pm and Luke forwarded the message to Michael who gave a thumbs up to the message. Luke confirmed with Ashton that he and Michael would be there around 9pm because Michael said he needed a nap after class so that he was fully awake for the party later on which Luke completely agreed with so he did the same. When his alarm went off at 8:30pm, he jumped up happily and rushed over to his closet. He was vaguely aware of Calum being in the room but he didn't say anything. Surprisingly though, Calum did speak up.

"What's got you so much in a rush?" He asked Luke. He didn't sound rude or mean, he just kind of sounded confused.

"I'm meeting Michael at 9 so we can walk to the party later." Luke said with a small smile, grabbing a pair of black jeans and a black short sleeved shirt, unsure of what else to wear. He wouldn't need a jacket because he was going to be indoors anyway.

Calum raised his eyebrows. "Oh, you're going to a party? Again?"

Luke didn't like how Calum said that. Almost as if he was surprised that Luke was having fun, but the blonde-haired boy decided to just bite his tongue. "Yep." He said simply, unsure of what else to say.

"Where at?" Calum asked suspiciously.

"One of the frat houses? I'm not too sure, to be honest. Ashton just sent me the details and told me to be there or be square." Luke replied, trying to throw in some humour.

Calum hummed in response. "I might see you around tonight then."

"Yeah, you might." Luke said.

And that was it. That was all that spoken between the two boys and Luke would have usually been upset at the fact that Calum didn't want to hang out with him but now, he didn't care. He actually had a friend who wanted to hang out with him. Actually, he had two. Michael and Ashton. That was enough for Luke.

When 9 o'clock rolled around, Luke decided to leave his room to go and get Michael but as soon as he opened the door, the black-haired boy was stood right in front of him with his fist raised, almost as if he was going to knock on the door. Luke and Michael grinned at each other. "Right on time." the British boy said happily.

"I'm great with timing." Luke replied.

"That makes two of us." Michael said.

Luke snorted, closing the bedroom door without bothering to say goodbye to Calum who was watching the two boys silently. "Do I need to remind you of who was late to the first day of classes?" Luke asked with a laugh.

"You're never going to drop that, are you?" Michael asked him with amusement on his lips, shaking his head and nudging his friend. Luke laughed at Michael and took in his appearance. Today, Michael was wearing a navy-blue shirt which was very surprising to Luke because he usually wore black. He was however, wearing black jeans and a black leather jacket with a silver necklace and his usual ring. Somehow, Michael always looked so put together.

"Were we supposed to wear costumes?" Luke asked in worry, suddenly getting self-conscious of his outfit when the two boys walked outside and saw other people in costumes.

Michael shrugged. "Not if you don't want to. Don't follow the crowd, Luke."

Luke nodded slowly. "You're right."

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