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As soon as the clock hit 4pm after Luke's last lecture of the day, the boy was practically sprinting back to his room. He desperately wanted to speak to Michael, but he knew that Michael would probably want to be alone. It was hard for Luke to imagine Michael anything but happy. When the two first met, yes Michael looked very miserable and gloomy, but that's just because he didn't know him very well. The more he came to know Michael, the more he realised how much happiness the boy had flowing through him. He wanted Michael to be like that all the time. He hated the fact that Michael was, for some reason, upset or annoyed.

When Luke entered his room, it was empty. He was glad that Calum wasn't here because he just wanted to be alone for now. Luke threw his backpack onto the floor and flopped down onto his bed with a huff. He fished his phone out of his pocket and lazily unlocked it, starting to swipe through it aimlessly to try and get his mind off his friend who was merely a few doors down.

The more he thought about Michael, the more he was going insane. He groaned to himself, and decided that he needed to clear his mind of the black haired boy, and put his energy into something else. Luke rolled over and grabbed his art supplies from underneath his bed and got to work. He started sketching something random, and soon enough, it turned into a full blown picture, which looked anything but like a sketch. Luke was definitely an artist and he loved every second of his creativity. It's almost as if his hand did all the work and his brain didn't have to think about a single thing.

Towards the end of his picture, Luke's phone buzzed in his pocket and he took it out quickly, hoping that it was Michael, but unfortunately, it was just the family group chat. His big brother Jack had just sent a few pictures of his dog and his child. A small smile appeared on Luke space as he swipe through all of the pictures. He did love his family to bits.

Just then, a message from Ashton popped up on his screen and Luke clicked on it. It was just Ashton telling him that he had missed a whole day of lectures because he was sick. He said that he didn't know whether it was the fact that he was coming down with a cold, or whether he was still very hung over from Halloween night. Luke grimaced at the thought of his friend still suffering from all the alcohol that he drank. He quickly texted back to say that he hoped Ashton got better soon, and that he couldn't wait to hang out with the boy as soon as he was better.

A few hours later, Luke had finally had enough of all of his overthinking and he shoved all of his art supplies back underneath his bed and stood up. Although his heart was beating out of his chest, Luke had determination in his step as he walked out of his bedroom, down the hallway and stopped right outside of his friends bedroom door. Michael was probably behind the door, and Luke felt his hands shake at his side. Yes, he was nervous, but he needed to do this. He needed to know what was wrong with Michael because he really wanted to help the boy. That's what friends were for.

Before he could chicken out, Luke raised a shaking fist and knocked on the door three times. He held his breath as he listened carefully to see if he could hear any noise on the other side. A whole minute had passed, and Luke could not hear anything from the other side of the door. He decided to bang on the door again, this time a little more forcefully. After a few moments, he finally heard rustling on the other side of the door, and he held his breath in nervousness.

The door unlocked and slowly opened, Michael's head peeking out from behind it. The black haired boys eyes looked tired. Luke momentarily felt bad for barging into Michael's room like this, knowing that the boy had told him he was tired, but he really needed to see him. He felt completely devastated about how they had left things earlier today and he needed to sort it out before it consumed him. Luke hated being on bad terms with anyone. He definitely did not want to be on bad terms with one of his only friends at college.

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