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A very ecstatic Luke practically skipped down the hallway of the building after leaving the English lecture hall to catch up with his friends. He had messaged Michael and had gotten a very quick response saying the black-haired boy was waiting outside on a bench. Luke rushed over to him as soon as he saw him outside, sat on the bench with his phone in his hands. Michael's fingers were quickly swiping and tapping away and a concentrated look was settled onto his face. Luke almost felt bad for interrupting him.

"Hey!" Luke called out loudly and happily, settling himself down on the bench next to Michael and shrugging his backpack off. "Where's Ashton?"

"He said something about meeting Jack." The black-haired boy replied with a shrug, shoving his phone in his pocket and giving all of his attention to Luke. "So, what was that all about?"

Luke hesitated. Should he tell Michael what Mr Rudd spoke to him about and potentially jinx the good news? Or should he wait until it was 100% confirmed? Luke was always skeptic of good news so he settled on the latter. "Oh, he just wanted to talk to me about my results and markings for this assignment. He said I could have done better." he decided to say.

"You could have done better?" Michael asked in disbelief. "God. If you could have done better then I might as well restart the entire thing."

"I'm sure you didn't do that bad." Luke replied in an optimistic voice.

"Easy for you to say, Einstein." Michael practically grumbled with an eye roll.

"Oh, shush." Luke shoved Michael's shoulder playfully. "Have you got a lecture next?"

"Nope." Michael said. "You don't either."

Luke raised a single eyebrow. "And how do you know that exactly?"

Michael shrugged. "Because it's Friday. Every Friday we have English first and then we both have a block free so we always go to the diner." He said in an obvious tone.

A smile formed at Luke's lips. "You're right."

"So, are we going to go get some blueberry milkshakes or what?" Michael asked with a grin, standing up and grabbing his backpack off the floor. Luke did the same quickly.

"I thought you hated blueberry milkshake." Luke pointed out with a frown.

"I do," Michael grimaced, "but you don't."

"I don't. I absolutely love them. If I could marry a blueberry milkshake, I would." Luke laughed.

The black-haired boy rolled his eyes and smacked Luke's chest with the back of his hand as they continued walking to the parking lot. "Hey, I just had one of the best ideas ever." Michael started to say as they reached Luke's sleek Porsche. "I think I should drive."

"You wanna drive my car?" Luke asked in uncertainty. "Do you even have a license?"

"I have a British drivers license, yes. It's the same thing, right? How hard could it be?" Michael asked him with a grin.

"You know we drive on the opposite side of the road to you, right?" Luke asked, unlocking his car, his eyes watching Michael.

"Yes, yes. I know. Come on, you know you wanna give me those keys." Michael wiggled his eyebrows.

Luke let out a deep laugh. "Maybe tonight when the roads or a parking lot is a little emptier. We can go on a little joy ride then."

Michael's eyes shimmered with excitement. "You mean that?" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." Luke laughed again. "Now get in. I want my milkshake."

The boys hopped in and Luke drove his usual route to the Diner. Suddenly, he gasped loudly causing Michael to stare at him, concerned. "Oh no." Luke groaned. "I never texted Sierra."

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