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Luke scrambled out of the guest room bed quickly, landing on the floor with a thud, his heart hammering in his chest. He could hear the soft patter of his mothers feet making their way down the stairs. He knew it was his mom because his dads footsteps sounded like elephants having a party in the house. Michael groaned lightly from the bed and lifted his head, trying to peak his eyes open. "What is it?" Michael murmured.

Luke was wide awake and alert. He didn't realise he had fallen asleep in Michael's bed and he didn't want his mother to realise. He wasn't ready for that yet. This was the fifth day in a row that he had woken up in Michael's bed and usually, he would be awake well before his mother and would be able to go back to his own room in no time, but he was just too comfortable in Michael's strong arms this morning that he couldn't wake up.

Panicking slightly, Luke whispered urgently to Michael. "It's my mom! I can't let her find me here." He glanced around the room, searching for an escape route.

Michael, still groggy from sleep, finally fully opened his eyes and realized the situation they were in. "Alright," he whispered back, "we need a plan. Can you sneak back to your room without her seeing?"

Luke thought for a moment and nodded. "Yeah, I think so. I'll have to be really quiet." He tiptoed toward the bedroom door, pausing every few seconds to listen to his mother's footsteps approaching the bottom of the stairs. She was getting closer and closer so Luke tried to calm his breathing. He didn't need to be this panicked but the thought of his mother finding him in Michael's bed was something he didn't want to deal with right now.

Michael remained in bed, ready to cover for Luke if needed, his eyes watching the blondes every move. Luke cracked open the bedroom door just enough to slip through and started his stealthy journey back to his own room without even a glance back at the black-haired boy in the bed who flopped down and heaved a sigh when his boyfriend left. Every creak in the floor seemed deafening as he made his way through the hallway towards his own room.

Meanwhile, Michael pretended to be fast asleep as he heard Luke's mom ascending the stairs even though he knew she would never come into the guest bedroom. He felt like a teenager all over again, having to hide his relationship from his parents. Michael remembers doing that in Year 11 a lot with his ex boyfriend.

The tension in the house was palpable as Luke's heart raced, and he hoped that his late-night adventure wouldn't be discovered. Luke carefully crept down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest. He finally reached his own room and slipped inside, closing the door as quietly as possible.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard his mom's voice from the hallway. "Luke? Are you up, sweetheart?" Her voice was soft but concerned.

Luke quickly jumped into bed and pulled the covers up to his chin. He cleared his throat and replied, feigning grogginess. "Mm... yeah, Mom. Just couldn't sleep."

His mom knocked softly, opened the door and peeked her head in. When she saw Luke in bed, a smile formed at her lips and she entered the room and sat on the edge of his bed, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "Is something bothering you, honey?"

Luke hesitated for a moment before responding. "N-no, Mom. Just a bad nights sleep, that's all. I think i'm just used to the mattresses on campus now. This feels too lavish."

She smiled sympathetically. "I'm sorry, sweetie. It happens to all of us."

Luke nodded his head, still feeling a bit guilty about sneaking into Michael's room every night under his parents roof but the thought quickly washed away when he also recalled their little fun yesterday too. Ever since the first night of sleeping together in the guest bedroom, Luke and Michael have been messing around almost every night. Usually, it was Michael who did all the work but last night was the first time Luke had actually reciprocated and made Michael relax back whilst he tried to make the black haired boy feel good. He did all the work last night and he was terrified obviously, but Michael told him that he loved every second of it. The blonde wasn't too confident about using his mouth on Michael just yet and had simply used his hands last night, but Michael said that he didn't mind. Michael said that they had plenty of time to do anything else and Luke was just so damn thankful for that.

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