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The day had finally come for Luke and Michael to head from Luke's home in Colorado back to their campus in California. Neither of them were happy about having to go back to college but they knew they had no choice. Plus Ashton had been texting them both saying how excited he was to see them and how he couldn't wait for new year's eve because they were going to get super wasted. Instead of getting a flight back to California, Michael had practically begged Luke to drive his new Jeep back to campus and make it somewhat of a little road trip. Luke, of course, was all for the idea. How could he not be? It was his opportunity to drive his new beloved car around with his new beloved boyfriend sat in his passenger seat. He had taken it upon himself to plan the entire trip.

Luke's Jeep was packed with all of their essentials, including snacks, drinks, a playlist of their favorite songs and a lame map to guide them along the way. Luke complained and said they had their phones to guide them but Michael wanted to do it the old fashioned way. He'd always wanted to go on a road trip and this was his opportunity. Especially if Luke was planning to leave for New York straight after graduation.

As the tall blonde slid effortlessly into the driver's seat, the excitement was overwhelming. He glanced over at Michael, who was already settled in the passenger seat, a bright smile on his face. "Ready?" Luke asked, his blue eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Michael grinned and reached for Luke's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Absolutely. I can't wait to hit the open road with you." He leaned in and gave Luke a quick kiss. Luke rolled down his windows and popped his head out, a large smile on his face when his eyes connected to his parents who were stood on the doorstep, watching the pair. His father's face never really held any emotion so Luke wasn't surprised when all he got was a bored expression thrown his way. Liz however, smiled widely and waved happily at the two boys who's excitement was evident.

"I'll see you guys soon!" Luke called out loudly, keeping it lighthearted because they had already said their slightly emotional goodbyes.

The Jeep's engine roared to life and Luke navigated it skillfully out of the Hemmings' driveway, Michael watching his boyfriend in awe. His heart was racing like a thousand galloping horses because this was his first time actually driving the Jeep properly and he was so excited to take it back to campus. The fresh Colorado air filled the car as they merged onto the highway and Luke couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration. He'd always dreamt of going on a road trip with someone special and now that dream was coming true with Michael by his side. He also knew that Michael wanted to do this too so both of them were just very excited about this whole thing. He leaned back in his comfortable seat, a small smile playing at his lips.

It's like his life was a one way hill upwards. Nothing could bring him down now. All he felt was happiness and he wanted to bathe in it forever. The smell of his new car filled his nostrils and made him feel better than ever before. The attractive boy sat in his passenger seat didn't even have to speak and yet Luke was blushing and grinning every time their eyes connected. God. He had it bad.

Their journey took them through breathtaking landscapes, from the snowy mountains of Colorado to the arid deserts of Arizona. Along the way, they stopped at roadside diners, quirky attractions and scenic viewpoints to stretch their legs and take some photos together.

As the endless miles passed by in a haze, their conversations and jokes flowed effortlessly. They talked about their dreams and aspirations, shared stories from their pasts and exchanged silly jokes and banter. It was during these moments that Luke felt the depth of their connection.

The sunsets on the trip were nothing short of breathtaking. They watched the sky transform into a canvas of oranges, pinks and purples, painting a vivid backdrop to their journey. Luke would often pull over at a scenic overlook and he and Michael would sit on the hood of the Jeep, their fingers entwined, and simply soak in the beauty of the world around them. Yes, he could have done this in his Porsche but sitting on a Jeep just felt right. He was living his dream with the boy he loved at his side.

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