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The British cuisine at the very typical fish and chips restaurant was definitely delicious but the tense atmosphere that was surrounding the two male college students was awkward as hell and anything but delicious. Michael couldn't stop staring at Luke from across the table and Luke couldn't stop glancing away. Michael tried not to sigh too loudly in annoyance and Luke tried not to show any discomfort on his face.

The whole day had been ruined. Michael knew he was the cause of that and he hated himself for making a fun and lovely day like today turn into something awkward and sour. Luke had barely touched his food, simply shoving his fork around on the tray. Michael on the other hand, had been eating at a casual pace. The mostly eaten fish and chips that was sat on Michael's tray was drenched in salt and mushy peas. It was a very typical and traditional British and very, very delicious. Although Michael felt mentally sick because of the atmosphere surrounding the pair, he couldn't help but scoff his face with the food. It was just too good.

"I think I'm done." Luke eventually said, pushing his tray of half eaten food into the middle of the table slowly, his eyes cast down onto it so that he didn't have to look at his friend.

"You've barely eaten anything." Michael pointed out, trying to keep his voice light-hearted. He glanced back and forth between his own tray and Luke's and a wave of guilt washed through him knowing that he was the reason that Luke hadn't eaten.

Luke forced a small smile and shrugged his shoulders aimlessly. "Not that hungry. Think I'm just tired." He said in a dismissive tone.

Michael nodded slowly.

It was quiet after that.

Michael had now been put off his own food when hearing Luke's sullen voice. He left out a long exasperated sigh, not caring if Luke heard it. "Fine, whatever. Let's go." He snapped. He knew he shouldn't have snapped. It was his own fault that they were in this position but right now, he was just becoming more and more annoyed. Michael stood up, his chair screeching on the floor behind him and he turned around and walked right out of the restaurant without another word.

Luke stared at Michael as the black haired boy walked away and he suddenly became very nervous. He knew Michael was getting annoyed at his lack of words but he didn't know what the hell to say. He was a confused mess. Michael had kissed him. Kissed him! He was shocked obviously. Why did Michael do that? He thought they were friends and he didn't realise that Michael was thinking of doing that.

Luke took a shaky breath and tried to stop all of the thoughts rushing through his head. He stood up slowly, glancing around the restaurant and shooting a quick smile towards the waitress as he too, exited the little shop. His palms were shaking. He had to mentally prepare for nearly a two hour drive back to campus with an angry Michael at his side.

Gnawing on his bottom lip, he hesitantly walked over to his car. He saw Michael leaning against the passenger side car door, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked over at the crashing waves. A frown was evident on his face and Luke was guilt riddled. He sighed to himself and decided that he wasn't going to let a stupid kiss ruin his friendship with the one person that made him feel happy and alive. The one person that made him feel seen. Michael was his best friend. He couldn't lose him over something dumb like this. He needed Michael. He didn't want to be on bad terms with Michael.

Once he reached his friend, he realised that Michael hadn't heard him approach due to the fact that his face was still angled towards the beach. He was nervous as hell but that didn't stop him from slowly reaching out a shaking hand and placing it gently on Michael's upper arm. Michael snapped his head to the side and saw that it was Luke. He glanced down at Luke's hand that was touching his arm and then up at Luke's face which looked hurt. Michael hated that look. He didn't want Luke to feel like that.

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