steve shuffled the cards. "i don't know, i may not be very good at card games like uno but i am a fast learner so count your days because i'm gonna kill you."

jack narrowed his eyes at him. "game on, kid." steve's face contorted into confusion. "but you're only one year older than me,"

"that's still a gap, birdie boy." steve huffed, separating the cards into the two piles as he gave the both of them equal amount of cards.

jack grabbed his cards. "are you ready of the game that changes your life?"

steve narrowed his eyes at him. "ready." he placed down the first card.

after a few games, jack was laughing in steve's face because he lost to him every time. "told ya' i'd win!"

steve slumped in his chair, dropping his cards onto the table. "howwww. . .?" he dragged.

jack cackled, "you just suck at these type of games, haha!"

steve tried to grab jack's cards, jack pulled them away just in time. steve ended up on jack's lap, he got up, straddling the boy. "give me the cards. jack. now."

jack scrunched up his nose, shaking his head. "nope, fight for them." steve tried again, jack pulled them away from him.

jack shook his hand, mocking steve. steve got an idea, he suddenly came closer to jack's face. jack's face completely dropped, "i know what you're doing. it's not going to work."

steve came even closer, jack could feel steve's breath on his mouth. his eyes closed, steve knew it was the perfect moment. he grabbed it, quickly getting off the bed.

jack's eyes flung open. steve jumping around in the room, giddy. jack smiled softly at his happiness. steve noticed jack wasn't saying anything, he dropped the cards on the table.

he grabbed jack's face, "what happened? did something happen? did i do something wrong? did i hurt you?"

"i like you," jack covered his mouth immediately, steve's hands came off his face because of his action.

steve's eyes widened at his confession, the corners of his mouth turned up. jack looked down, too scared to face steve.

steve went on the incredibly white hospital bed, sitting down on the side. he took jack's face into his hands, cupping his cheeks. jack's eyes piercing into his, steve gulped.

"i like you too,"  jack beamed, tackling the harrington boy into a bearing hug. "really?"

steve nodded, jack on top of him was a sight he never thought he'd see. "yes, really."

"i turned the king of hawkins high queer? i turned the king of hawkins high queer. what an achievement!" jack yelled in steve's ear.

steve nodded, smiling while rubbing his ears from the yelling. his eyes widened when jack leaned closer to his face.

"did i hurt you?" jack's adoring eyes on his. steve leaned forward, closing the gap. jack hummed as steve grabbed his hair, pulling him closer.

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