Thirty Nine (Hum Tum Alag Hai Farq Hai Farq Hai)

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At the dinner table, Rajiv asked Reva, "Where is Sai?" Both Reva and Dadi, who had been engrossed in their conversation, turned to face Rajiv. Dadi glanced at Reva, who hesitated before answering,
"She went to her friend's parents' anniversary."
Rajiv expressed his concern, saying, "What? And she didn't bother to tell me? She knows how dangerous it can be to go out without a bodyguard." Reva tried to calm him down, replying,
"Don't overreact, Mr. Mahntora. She's a grown Girl now, and we should give her, her space. Plus, don't worry, Bhai was also with her."
Rajiv, clearly agitated, stood up and pointed his spoon at Reva, saying, "And what is your brother doing with my sister? Reva, tell him to stay away from my sister." Dadi, who had been listening silently, finally intervened, saying, "Enough, Rajiv. Sai asked me about it, and don't worry, Rajat is also a good boy. If they are ready, I have no problem with their marriage," as she casually Said in her playfulness, continued to eat her food.

Reva, shooting Rajiv a disapproving look, added, "Yes, my brother is not like some other boys. He is very decent. Until today, he hasn't even looked at a girl, so don't tarnish his name."

Rajiv ignored her glare and tried to call Sai, but her phone was switched off. Dadi, speaking from behind, remarked, "He's just like his grandfather, he was also so strict with me, it must be in their DNA ." Reva stifled a laugh, listening to dadi tease. Rajiv then called Sai's driver and learned that she was still at the party. He instructed the driver to bring Sai home as soon as possible.

After dinner, everyone retired to their respective rooms. When Rajiv emerged from the washroom,  he found Reva busy making their bed. As she leaned over the bed, her hair cascaded to one side, and the outline of her back was tantalizingly visible through the fabric of her saree. He was looking at her curves, and went towards her. Once she finished making the bed and turned around, she was startled to find him standing directly behind her.

"Heyyy bhagwan, what are you doing? You'll give me a heart attack. Why are you wandering around like a ghost?" she exclaimed, placing her hand over her chest. Rajiv chuckled and pulled her into his arms.
"I am just admiring my wife, who is looking so sexy nowadays," he said playfully. Reva playfully slapped his cheek and responded, "You're being so filmy." She tried to free herself from his grip. "Let me go, I want to freshen up and change into a night dress," she said.

"Fine, but you look beautiful in a saree," he said, planting a kiss on her forehead before letting her go. She smiled at his comment and headed to the washroom.

After their little romance, Rajiv and Reva went to the hall, waiting for Sai. Reva had a call with Rajat, and he informed her about their arrival.

In Hospital

Sai remained unconscious, sleeping on the bed, while Rajat stood beside her, keeping a watchful eye. After treating her, they stepped outside where Arjun and Sanaya were waiting.

"Was it a panic attack?" Arjun inquired. Rajat nodded in agreement. When he looked at Sanaya, she was standing there, but there was no sign of guilt on her face.

"I didn't know she had some issues. If I had known, I would have definitely stopped them from playing such pranks," she explained, doing drama in front of Rajat. but one stern look from him silenced her.

"But you know, this is your parents' anniversary, not some sort of friends' reunion where they can play pranks. You should consider it from a girl's perspective. She didn't bring a change of clothes, and it will be very uncomfortable for her," Rajat said sternly and then returned inside the room. Sanaya looked at him in awe; it was the first time he had spoken to her in such a tone. This only fueled her anger towards Sai, believing it was all Sai's fault for Rajat's behavior.

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