Chapter Twenty (Maan Mast Magan Bas Tera Naam Doharaye)

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Rajiv's POV:

I was sitting in my cabin, lost in my thoughts about the recent events. The pandit ji had confirmed our marriage date, which was set to take place in just 7 days. It was all a charade to me, a mere drama, but for the sake of my grandmother's happiness, I have to go through with it. Her joy meant everything to me.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of my phone. It was Dadi calling. I picked up the call and greeted her. She immediately asked where I was and told me to come home quickly. I sighed inwardly; I already had a load of pending work, and now she was asking me to take time off for the wedding preparations and dresses shopping. However, Dadi's happiness was my priority, so I had to figure out how to manage both.

Before I could respond, she continued, urging me to pick up Reva on my way to shop. They were planning to shop for clothes for the marriage. I hung up and called Soham, to update him on my schedule.

I found myself in the parking lot, dialing Reva's number. When she answered, her voice carried a hint of sleepiness and tired. I cleared my throat and informed her,
"Get ready. I'm on my way to pick you up from home. We're heading out for wedding shopping."
A brief silence followed, and then she questioned,
"Are you actually taking this contract marriage seriously?"
Her words hit a nerve, triggering a cascade of thoughts.
"Oh, miss, don't presume you're the center of the universe just because of Dadi wishes. I'm putting in all this effort,"
I told her to get ready in five minutes, hung up before hearing her reply, and drove to her house. Ankita aunty answered the door and welcomed me in. Anuj uncle joined us. We talk about some random stuff and marriage preparations. I get to know one thing her family is also excited like dadi. After one year it's really hard for them to accept the situation. It's been 15min I was waiting but she didn't not come yet. She always do that purposely, I know

After a few minutes, Reva finally appeared, ignoring me as she greeted her parents and discussed our shopping plans. We said our goodbyes and headed to the car.

During the drive, Reva remained silent and seemed to be intentionally ignoring me. It's really surprising she never sits silently.I glanced at her, puzzled by her behavior.  wondered if she was upset with me for some reason, even though I hadn't done anything to provoke it. I remained silent as well and focused on driving.

When we reached the shop, people noticed my presence, and the shop manager, Shop owner was also a friend of mine, so they know me very well, he greeted me and  informed me about Dadi's arrival, we made our way to the fourth floor where ladies section and the wedding shopping was taking place.

Reva walked beside me, maintaining her skilled act of ignoring me. I couldn't understand her sudden change in behavior. As we stepped into the elevator, I cleared my throat, hoping to grab her attention, but she continued to avoid making eye contact with me.

When the elevator came to a halt, we stepped out onto the floor and entered the shop. Dadi and Sai were there, busy looking at some lehengas. I couldn't help but notice Reva's deliberate avoidance of looking at me, and it bothered me. She greeted everyone with a smile, but when she looked at me, it was as if I didn't exist.

Dadi started discussing the various functions associated with the wedding, and Reva and I were shown a collection of lehengas. As the shopkeepers presented different options, I found myself engrossed in my phone. Suddenly, dadi took my phone from my hand, questioning my inattention to their choice. I felt a mix of frustration and confusion. She pointed out that I had come to help them choose, not to stay engrossed in my device.

As the shopkeepers displayed the lehengas, Reva selected three of them – one in red, another in peach-pink, and a third in a combination of red and peach-pink. Dadi turned to me, asking for my opinion on her choices, but I waited for Reva to ask for my input. However, she seemed absorbed in her own world and didn't inquire about my preferences.

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