Thirty Five (Ek Dilruba Hai)

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Rajiv's POV

I left the office in anger. I knew that if I stayed for another minute there I would definitely end up hurting someone, either her or myself. Hurting her was the worst thing I had ever imagined in my life.

"I was racing the car like a madman, wondering why that woman always ended up in front of me, making me forget everything. Because of her, I hurt Reva so much. I didn't want to reveal my worst side to her, but even after witnessing my anger, she remained by my side. Why? Reva Why?

I was driving the car recklessly.  Realized, needed to calm myself down, or I would definitely end up in a major accident.  Stopped the car beside the beach, my usual spot for finding peace and relaxation."

I was sitting there, staring at the silent sea, but inside, I felt like a raging typhoon. Lost in my thoughts, heard someone laughing loudly, and their laughter was causing me even more disturbance. When looked over sound side, I saw an elderly couple enjoying ice cream. They were laughing and savoring the moment.
When the old man playfully grabbed his lady and fed her ice cream, and she did the same in return, a small smile automatically appeared on my face ,Seeing them.

Heart: "I also want to spend my life with Reva. I think when something strikes me..."

Mind: "Why are you thinking like this? You know, Rajiv, this is a contract marriage, and you're not the right person for her."

Heart: "But still, I want to be selfish this time and spend my life with her."

Mind: "Why?"

Heart: "Because...............

because I love her."

Mind: "What?"

Heart: "Yes, I love her. She's the one who gives me peace, the one who brings me happiness in hard times. Yes, I admit it, she's my oasis, the peace I've been searching for my whole life."

I got up immediately and went to the car. I didn't have the strength to lose her or anyone, anymore now. When I sat in the car and headed home,  I  wanted to see her as soon as possible, if she didn't forgive me I'll beg her to forgive me for what I did."

When I reached home and was about to go inside, I saw her outside. What was she doing here right now? When I looked closely, she was talking to someone else. Who was that person? Oh no, it was that woman, the one I had been running away from my whole life. What was she doing here? As I stood there, I saw her kissing Reva on the head. Did she tell her about my past? No... no, that's not possible. I didn't want Reva to know about it. Definitely not now.

I sat in the car again and headed to the club. When I arrived, I took a seat at the bar counter. Usually prefer a quiet place to calm myself, but today I didn't want to stay alone. Maybe this crowd could help me today. Lost in thoughts, I kept drinking shots. Then, a woman approached. She was wearing a short dress, looking sexy, but not like my Reva. She is pure beauty to me."

"Wanna hang out?" she said, leaning toward me and speaking in my ear with a sexy tone. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it," she added.

"I'm a married man and I only enjoy time with my wife," I replied, and she walked away, cursing me.

It was midnight, and I still didn't want to go home and face her. Lost in my thoughts, someone put a hand on my shoulder. "Ah, who is that?" I wondered as I turned to see my dear wife standing there.

"What is she doing here?" I thought to myself as I watched her take my hand and inspect it. Someone handed her a first aid kit. Why did she come here? It's not the right place for an innocent person like her.

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