chapter 2.6

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Xiao Zhan is feeling disturbed these days. The reason? It's because of the second young master of Yi family, Yi Yan. The information said he is a merciless bully at school. Zhan imagined him to be like those arrogant kids full of themselves. But he was entirely wrong. Because when you look at Yi Yan and his neat and clean appearance no one will suspect him to be a bully.

What puzzled him more is that, Lu Zhe did glued his chair but he didn't come looking for him again. Zhan even beat up his followers real bad and Yi Yan didn't even mention it to him. Instead, he became friendlier and friendlier.

First few days, Zhan realised that people stopped coming to him to pick up fights. Then Yi Yan and him started going to school in one car. Then Yi Yan started to wait for him when school ends. Then Yi Yan would bring him food anytime. For example, he went to the washroom and when he returned he saw a bottle of chocolate milk on his desk.

Zhan isn't an idiot. He saw the obvious change in Yi Yan. In comparison, Yi Han remained the same as always. Except Zhan would only see him at home handful of times. For now, Yi Han only sees him as an ant. Its fine,  as long as he doesn't come to look for trouble.

" Lu Zhe , Yan ge's birthday is next week right?"Zhan heard a coy female voice speaking beside him.

Right now, he is sitting on the stair surrounding the basketball ground. Yi Yan specially mentioned this game and its clear to Zhan what he wanted. So before the game started Zhan was already sitting here.

In the locker room, one of Yi Yan's friends ended up mentioning Zhan, " Hey bro , Just saw your milk brother sitting there. Did you tell him to come or what?"

Yi Yan's lips turned upwards, he spared a glance at his friend as he spat out, "guess."

Then zhan ended up grabbing a towel and a bottle of water. Zhan was speechless. Yi yan didn't lack fangirls alright ? Why did he hand those over to him !

"Is it?" Zhan asked back to the person sitting beside him.

" Yes! "

Zhan looked at Yang Mo and sneered. " I say , Yang Mo, if you join showbiz you'd have made a name for yourself already."

Yang Mo heard him and said stiffly, " Lu Zhe , what are you talking about? Are you mad because I pretended to not to know you that day?" She stared at Zhan with water filled eyes as if she will cry the next second. " I was afraid Yan ge would be suspicious, I did that. Don't be angry okay?"

Zhan sneered, " I don't understand this. Which one of them are you thirsty for ? The big one or the little one?"

" are talking nonsense! You can't talk to me like that!"

Zhan hooked the corner of his lips, " Let's assume its the big one. Then why are you dying to please your yan ge when they are not even close? Are you an idiot?"
"And if it's the younger one , I'm afraid you need to try harder even though your Yan ge is clearly uninterested."

Zhan thought and said to himself , " You're not that much stupid. You even fooled me few times before."

At this time, Yang Mo who was already fuming in anger couldn't sit still. She was itching to stuff his mouth with something. She looked around and noticed the gazes of other people at them. Zhan didn't care but she obviously cared. So she suddenly stood up with her milk tea and threw it on him , screaming, " How can you be so shameless!"

Her action alerted many students to look this way and her statement made them imagine the situation. Zhan was quick and dodged to the other side but the sleeve of his uniform was stained.

He stared speechlessly at this woman and said in his mind, "Dumpling, i want to hit her. Can I hit her?"

"Host calm down , calm your anger. It's not gentlemanly to hit a girl!"

" got it."

Zhan watched as Yang Mo slipped away. It just happened to be the break time of the match. Yi Yan walked to him and grabbed his upper arm and effortlessly pulled him up. He then took him to the locker room. Along the way  he didn't say anything nor did zhan say anything. But zhan could sense that yi yan seemed angry.

"Take off your shirt."


Yi yan lost his patience and reached out to unbutton Zhan's shirt. Zhan quickly dodged and said hurriedly, "I'll do it myself,  I'll do it myself."

Zhan began to undress as he sneaked glances at Yi Yan who was  looking at him with scorching eyes. He felt uncomfortable. At this time, he heard the other ask, "Why did you let her stain your shirt?"

Zhan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I..I dodged but it didn't work!"

He said this helplessly but in yi yan's eyes, he looked like an aggrieved bunny. Yi Yan stared at him for a long time before reaching out his hand, rubbing Zhan's hair into mess. "Don't worry , I'll not let her appear before you again."

Zhan felt crisis. If he doesn't see that green tea Yang Mo , how will he annoy the sh*t out of her ? Then he looked at the obviously hooked Yi Yan and decided to use tricks on him.

Inside he was questioning, this original host is that much beautiful? It didn't even take a month to charm this cold prince. If so, why did the original owner suffer a tragic fate?

Zhan looked at Yi Yan with watery eyes as he pleaded , " Can you..not? I-it's not her fault, I annoyed her first ."

Yi Yan looked at Zhan , amused. He knew all this was Zhan's act but when he looks at those eyes , all his strength drains away. He knew that the other party knows his heart. It's fine. He doesn't want to keep his feelings secret forever.

His eyes sharpened as he pulled the shorter boy into a hug. Zhan's shirt was removed and he was hugged like this. Zhan should have pushed Yi Yan right away but he felt strangely familiar and the heart that long calmed down started to beat.

Yi Yan's left hand circled Zhan's shoulder and right hand was on the back of Zhan's head. Yi yan said in a breathy voice, "Then how did you annoy her? Let me hear."

Zhan came to his senses and refused to open his mouth. What ? What will he reply? Reply that he used him and his brother to annoy her? That she is coveting them? No man, he still wants to live few more days. So he  remained silent.

"Hm?" Yi Yan inquired once again. He knew who annoyed who. This little brother of his is too extraordinary . He has the means to anger anyone he wants. Yi yan just wants to tease him.

Zhan became flustered after feeling his racing heart. He didn't focus on acting when he replied, "Don't ask." His voice was a bit sulky.

In response he heard Yi Yan laugh.

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