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[Host..zzzz...we can..zzz...continue zzzz...our task after the..zz..upgrade]

The young man with short silky hair and almond shaped eyes stood in the white blank space listening to the static filled mechanical voice.

"You broken piece of system. You better not come to see me again in this state. I get headache listening to your statics."
The young man said in his mind.

[Host is...zz...right. To upgrade...zzzz...it might take...zz...time. So I will leave host in....zzz.. an independent world for compensation...zz..Host will live his...zzz...life like a normal person. It is stated...zzz...that Host will loose the ability....zz..to use items...zzzzz...once system is gone. In the world....zzz....if yiy die , ...system will not be able to detect....zzz...you again.]

"How much time needed to repair your old junk parts?"

[Host....zzz....please be...zzz..respectful towards others! It will take 3 months....zzz....for upgrading. 3 months equivalent to 30 years in....zzzzzz....the independent world.]

The young man's eyes shone with exitement. He said in his mind,  "Hurry up, send me over!"

[Host info: Name : Xiao Zhan
       Host Id: 213640
      Task completed: (unknown)
      Total points : 6,000]

[World info: independent ( unknown )
Task : live for 30 years
Reward : living and dying without restrictions.

Transmission- [yes/no]

The young man clicked on the option {yes}

The mechanical voice sounded once again,

[ successfully loaded]


[Loading successful]

[ Good luck to Host...zzz...see you...zzzzz....again]

With that, the young man disappeared from the white space. At the same time the mechanical voice also stopped.

A/n : if you don't understand-

Independent world = The world where, there is no war . Meaning a peaceful life, out of some unknown existence control.

Task world : where a person gets a task to complete . After the complete of the task, they will leave. Either by dying or with some other means.

Host = owner

Reward = after completing a task , one will get rewards like points, props , skills etc.

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