chapter 2.5

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Zhan looked at Yi Yan for a while before he remembered to put up the 'coward's' mask. He then pretended to stammer, "I- I forgot to bring my clothes."

When Yi Yan heard Zhan's voice did he snap back to reality. He looked away indifferently and coughed. He then walked to the closet and searched for a long time. Then he found his old clothes that doesn't fit him anymore. He then threw them to Zhan and walked out of the room.

Zhan looked at the clothes with indifferent eyes. Yi Yan didn't throw any underwear with these clothes. Zhan breathed a sigh of relief , he would have been embarrassed real bad if Yi Yan did so. But he didn't know what Yi Yan thought. Yi Yan thought that their sizes are not really similar.

Zhan changed into the clothes and thought about the cards. This world's mission is to live peacefully and comfortably. It doesn't require him to fall for anyone or sleep. He'll just save those cards for later use.

As he was thinking, he made his way outside. Everyone was done with their lunch. Only Yang Mo , Yi Yan and Lu Zhe's cheap mother was sitting there , talking happily. Zhan's mood became  unstable once again. He looked at them with frost in his eyes. And as if noticing his stare, Yang Mo looked up at him.

She looked at him with amazement. Zhan detested those eyes. What he didn't realise was that, Yang Mo found him really cool. He was standing there relaxed, his wet hair covered his eyes , his pinkish lips were alluring. The shirt had not been buttoned up to full and perfectly fit his body. He just looked like those male protagonists , as if he jumped out of a novel. Yang Mo had to admit that her heart skipped a beat at his sight.

Yi Yan who was immersed in his phone and his mother also noticed him. Before Yi Yan could comment,  His mother looked at him discontented . She then ordered the maid," Give him some food."

She said as if giving alms to a beggar . What does she think of herself?

Zhan coldly stared at her and didn't bother to conceal his emotions. He wants to scare her to death if possible. With the aura he gained after traveling many worlds , its naturally possible. He slowly walked down the stairs and stood three fit away from her, it's as if she was poisonous.

Then he smiled, " Mother, where do I live?"

Lu Zhe's mother , Mrs. Yi got chills from his voice. She didn't want to admit it. She gave zhan a stiff smile as she said, " Ah-zhe , I'll let a maid show you the way. can eat in your room alright?"

Zhan gave her a 'sincere' smile as he replied like an obedient child,  " Alright,  mother."

He then turned to follow the maid who was supposed to show him the way. Behind him two people stared at his leaving figure. Yang Mo and Yi Yan.

Yi Yan's eyes shone with a different light. Yes ! That's what this boy should act like! He suppressed his smile this whole time. But he frowned as he heard Yang Mo say, " Auntie, I think Lu zhe ge is really pitiful."

Mrs. Yi turned to her with a smile that spoke 'I want to please you' , "Why does Yang er think so?"

"It's obviously because he looks lonely."

Mrs. Yi wanted to say something when Yi Yan's cold voice sounded, " he doesn't need anyone's pity."

Yang Mo and Mrs. Yi looked at him with surprise. Yi Yan rarely defends anyone. Mrs. Yi have always been scared to offend his child. So she chirped in , " yes yes, Ah-zhe is all grown now."

Yi Yan sneered.

Night fell quickly. Zhan played with a rubix cube as he pondered. " Dumpling, say , how many days do I have in his world?"

"Host, first promise not to curse."

"Say or I'll report you."

"Uwu,  host, it's 3 months."

"F#%$ , you gotta be kidding me? I'm not doing this mission. I want to go back !"

"Host, calm down calm down. Don't you want to gain points and go back to that world?"

Zhan stood there quietly and didn't answer.

Which world? The independent world that he was accidentally thrown to ? Maybe.

He thought how he can get revenge for Lu Zhe. His main target is Mrs. Yi , then Yang Mo and finally Yi brothers.

But zhan felt really strange whenever he was around Yi Yan , as if that person can see through everything. As if he knows everything.

Zhan slept restlessly that night.

Then the next month went away with him working hard to gain evidence against Mrs. Yi . She never disappoints. She spent yi family's money lavishly. Even found a young lover outside.
When Mr. Yi , this middle aged man knows about this , guess what he'll do.

Zhan is also very curious.

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