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" Do you think we will be needing this as well? " Taehyung picked up a cute pair of baby socks from the rack to show Jin, his curiosity evident.

Jin had answered numerous similar questions from Taehyung already. He was getting tired of these trivial inquiries, but he understood that they were both navigating uncharted direction as future parents. They didn't have the luxury of having a mother's guidance. Jin had opened a list of newborn essentials on his phone, trying to make sense of it.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was at his playful worst, seemingly determined to tease and annoy Seokjin. Jin swore that if he had to respond to one more of these questions, he might just stuff the baby's socks in Taehyung's mouth to silence him.

" You're not replying to me, baby. I asked you something? " Taehyung blinked innocently, holding the pair of socks, waiting for Jin's answer.

" Yes, Taehyung, we will be needing those," Jin replied, managing a tired smile. He didn't want to snap at Taehyung, especially not in a public place where they were being recorded. That's why a deep frown lined Jin's forehead. He felt utterly exhausted.

He glanced at Taehyung, who had put thirty similar socks in the cart.
" Taehyung, put these back," Jin instructed.

Taehyung protested, his hands covering the socks in the cart, " But you said we will need these, look, they're -"

Jin shoved Taehyung's hand aside and returned ten extra pairs of socks to the rack, unwilling to argue further.

Taehyung inquired, " What's wrong? " He wondered if it was Jin's pregnancy hormones or if he had genuinely upset him.

" You are what's wrong. You keep asking off-track, non-serious questions. Are you even taking this seriously? " Jin sighed loudly, casting sidelong glances to ensure they were out of sight from any curious onlookers or cameras.

Taehyung pursed his lips, his tone contrite, " Alright, then I won't. I'm sorry, I'll just follow you closely."

Their shopping continued, with Jin purchasing everything on the list. Taehyung had grown unusually quiet after Jin's remark. While he understood it might be due to Jin's pregnancy mood swings, it still stung. He didn't dwell on it, and by the time they reached the cashier, he pulled out his card to settle the bill.

" Can you neatly organize this stuff? Our manager will be getting th-" Taehyung's sentence is abruptly halted by the cashier's intervention.

" I'm sorry to interrupt you, sir, but we do offer home delivery, and don't worry, we will take care of your privacy," the omega cashier cheerfully offers the option while showing Taehyung a brochure.

Taehyung turns to Jin, seeking his opinion on the matter, only to encounter a swift shift in Jin's expression, from a frown to a glare.

Taehyung tactfully responds to the cashier, "Oh, well, this isn't too bad. But we will have our manager pick up in some time. Please take care of our stuff. Thank you."

As the billing concludes, Jin hastily exits the shop, though his version of a fast walk has considerably slowed due to his pregnancy. Taehyung follows closely behind, taking longer strides to prevent attention.

The moment Jin steps outside, he's enveloped by a variety of scents. He was aware of multiple cameras recording him, but he wasn't prepared for the crowd awaiting him. His instinctual response is to recoil, but his retreat is halted by the sturdy presence of Taehyung's chest against his back,
" Are you okay? "

Jin can only manage a trembling shake of his head, seeking refuge in Taehyung's protective hold. Taehyung shields Jin's face and ushers him back into the shop. The staff comprehends the situation and promptly closes the shop's doors. "Are you okay, Seokjin?"

Taking a deep breath, Jin's forehead glistens with beads of sweat as he confesses, " I want to get out of here."

Taehyung reassures him with a gentle rub of Jin's arm, " Yes, we will. Stay with me, okay? You haven't eaten yet."

The cashier from earlier steps forward as if to approach the couple, but her efforts are quickly thwarted by a fierce growl from Jin, a stark reminder of his territory.

Recognizing the authoritative display, she submits to his unspoken demand and offers a sincere apology to both Jin and Taehyung.

" I have informed the mall's security, and they're clearing up the area. We are sincerely sorry for this unpleasant experience."

Taehyung, keeping a vigilant eye on Jin in his arms, barely acknowledges her apology. The focus of his attention remains on the distraught omega in his embrace.

Ten long minutes pass before the mall's security arrives to restore order and clear the area. Escorted back to their car in the mall's parking lot, the mob is contained within the mall under the watchful eyes of security.

" Feeling better now? " Taehyung inquires after driving some distance away from the mall.

" I'm okay now," Jin responds with a sigh.

" Well, then, what should we eat for dinner?" Taehyung attempts to lighten the mood, but he's met with a weary reply.

" I don't want to go out in public anymore. Let's go back home," Jin states with a heavy heart. Taehyung fully understands that being mobbed is unpleasant for anyone, but it becomes all the more overwhelming when one is heavily pregnant, suffocated by multiple scents in such an environment.

Taehyung wisely chooses to remain silent and allows Jin the time to calm down. Upon reaching their home, Jin lets his emotions flow, breaking down in tears in front of Taehyung.

" Our baby, they'll not spare our baby either. We were inside the shop, just trying to sort things out while they kept taking pictures of us," Jin sobs into Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung holds him tenderly, murmuring words of comfort, " Love, I won't tell you it'll be fine or that it will change. We're public figures, and we should expect these reactions. Just stay strong, okay? I'm here for you."

" But our baby, he doesn't deserve all this," Jin argues, his voice filled with worry.

" We will protect him with all our might. I'll make sure this is the last time you ever get mobbed," he promises resolutely.

Taehyung's nose nestles into Jin's nape as he tries his best to soothe his distressed partner. Jin does calm down eventually but also ends up falling asleep in Taehyung's comforting embrace.

" My baby," Taehyung whispers lovingly as he gently removes the stray hair from Jin's face.

He places a tender kiss on Jin's now unburdened forehead and sways gently, holding his omega close. The rhythmic motion helps him further calm down his distressed spouse.

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