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After much contemplation, Taehyung reluctantly agreed to the offer that had been extended to him. He felt trapped, with no other viable options. It was either agreeing to this marriage or risking the loss of his nearly a decade's worth of effort.

He dragged his feet towards the CEO's office for another meeting to discuss everything from their wedding date to the release date of their movie poster.

This time, Taehyung arrived early, a rarity, even beating Jin to the meeting. He knocked on the door, waiting for the CEO to invite him inside.

" Come in, " the CEO's voice came from the other side. Taehyung entered the chilled room and took a seat.

" You're early this time, " the CEO remarked.

" Yeah, I didn't have any errands to run today, " Taehyung replied, not entirely pleased with the situation.

" Jin had an acting schedule today. He's quite popular, in high demand, young, and beautiful, " the CEO, a beta, explained.

" This is a great opportunity for you, Taehyung. You'll benefit a lot from having his name attached to yours. "

Taehyung wished things were different. He wasn't satisfied with how things were shaping up. He despised having to pander to directors to secure roles. He listened quietly to what the CEO had to say.

It took about half an hour for Jin to finally arrive. " Thank God you're here. Your future husband was waiting for quite some time, " the CEO teased as he got up to hug Seokjin. Taehyung couldn't help but notice the discomfort on Jin's face, but he chose to ignore it.

" Now that he is here, can we please begin? " taehyung reminded them of the meeting's primary purpose, the ceo, let's go of Jin.

" Yes, of course. We've decided to set the wedding date in December, which gives us six months to complete shooting. After a brief break, you both will have to engage in four weeks of promotional activities, leading up to the movie's release in april, " the CEO outlined.

While it would be a busy period, Taehyung knew it would be a smooth road ahead after that. Then came a question that made things even more complicated.

" When do we file for divorce? " one of the alphas asked.

" Probably a few months after the movie's release, " the CEO replied with a tight-lipped smile, " we don't want the audience finding out our agenda now? " he adds

The CEO continued, " Also, Taehyung and Jin, I want to clarify that this won't be a contract marriage. You will both sign the necessary legal documents, and divorce will follow. Seokjin's father suggested this approach. We've also hired an external lawyer for your prenuptial agreement. Furthermore, you both will be required to sign non-disclosure agreements with severe penalties, including the loss of your career. Yours too, seokjin, "

The CEO's emphasis on " you too, Seokjin " caused Taehyung to chuckle.

" What's so funny, Taehyung? " Jin inquired, attempting to disregard Taehyung's presence.

" Well, it's not as if you'd care if your acting career came to an end, " Taehyung retorted with a laugh.

" Also, address me by my rank, I'm older than you, " Taehyung reminded him.

" Not only are you older than me, you're also poorer than me, which equals very little respect for you, Taehyung, despite having a lengthy career timeline, you still didn't manage to reach my mark up, " Jin smirked, refusing to back down. If this is how Taehyung perceived him, he would play the game accordingly.

" Yes, of course, daddy's money." Both of the ceo and jin were taken aback by the taehyung's sudden outburst.

" Stop it, both of you! " The CEO gapes.

" Any such behavior in public or in front of the staff will breach the NDA contract. I need both of you to leave now, and I will also require you to follow each other on social media. "

Taehyung and Jin stood up from their seats, unaware of how much their scents had soured the room.

" Tell him to follow me first, " Seokjin said with a smug expression that irked Taehyung to his core.

" What if I say I won't? " Taehyung challenged.

Jin let out a dry laugh, " Listen, you twig. You know I come from money, right? That's why you're so insecure, resorting to using your alpha "superpowers." I'll prove you right. So, before you decide to pick a fight with me again, remember who I am. Do you get that? "

The next thing Taehyung should have done was probably stay quiet and leave the room, but instead, he chose to do the opposite, " Take back what you said, or else I won't hesitate to humiliate you in front of everyone. "

Jin chuckled again, " As if you have any power beyond your 'alpha' rank. "

" Take that back! " Taehyung yelled at the omega, unleashing his alpha voice, forgetting to tend to his usual moral and ethical demeanor,

Jin's omega was overwhelmed by Taehyung's show of dominance, and he fell to the ground, baring his neck as a sign of submission. " I'm sorry for whatever I said, " Jin apologized,

He despised how insensitive alphas often exploited their status to dominate omegas, and he felt humiliated, just as Taehyung had warned him. However, this didn't deter Jin. He knew he would have never apologized otherwise.

" Stop it, both of you, " the CEO's booming voice echoed throughout the office space, snapping both of them out of their trance, " Get back to work, and limit your interactions. You two are only married for the camera, understand? No unnecessary interactions. "

Jin still felt weak, and Taehyung realized he had gone too far, but at that moment, it seemed like the only way to silence the omega.

They both left the office moments later, certain of one thing, their mutual hatred had reached an all-time high, and there was no turning back.

That evening, when Jin returned home, he collapsed to the ground, utterly drained by that arrogant alpha's behavior.

Jin despised having to endure this. He hadn't wanted to get married like this, but his father would have killed him if he had disagreed. He had dreamed of falling in love and then getting married, having children with his alpha,

Somewhere at the back of his head, he also knows that with his personality, no one would've married him. No deserves the baggage he brings to the table. He knows that dream can never be his reality.

As a child, he had been captivated by the idea of acting and had worked hard to become an actor, only for everyone to reduce him to " daddy's omega, " just like Taehyung. No one truly saw him for who he was. He detested it. But now, he had no choice but to play along.

He couldn't convince others that he was humble and always striving to meet their expectations. Sadly, he would forever be overshadowed by his father's name.

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