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" I'm sorry for what went down at jimin's place it was insensitive of me, now because of me he's angry with you," Jin couldn't take the silence in the car anymore, so he initiates a conversation hoping it would get somewhere

" Be careful while taking steps, Jin. You're going to be away in a few days. I need you to take proper care of yourself, "

Right, he's supposed to leave, and he still hasn't told taehyung about what he feels. It also dawns on him there's still unleft packing in his room, " Can I sleep in your room tonight? "

" Do you still need to ask me? "

" I was just asking in case you're mad at me, "

Taehyung's stomach flips, listening to jin's sad voice, " I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I let the situation earlier get the worst of me, but know that I'll never be mad at you, just be careful, "

" alright, " Jin blushes, turning away his face to look outside the window,

" Jin, I was thinking if we can make an urgent appointment tomorrow and know the gender of the baby, I don't want to miss it, you'll probably find it out when you're in LA, "

" I won't go and find out by myself without you, taehyung. why'd you say that we'll find it out together whenever  we do, "

" okay, " taehyung wanted to voice out how bummed he is about missing out possible gender reveal or first kick of the baby and see jin's stomach grow, but he can't say all that to jin not when he is so excited about this opportunity,

" Do you want to eat anything? " taehyung asks. He noticed jin's eyes trailing off to the ice cream parlor,

Jin is quick to answer, " yes icecream, "

" Let's go have some then, "

Jin orders multiple flavors, which taehyung isn't sure if they'd be able to finish even if they were at it whole night, Jin takes his time eating, noises he was making while checking out every flavor was driving taehyung nuts.

After a while when Jin is done, they both head out of the parlor, " thankyou," Jin steals a kiss, " You need to stop doing that, I'm losing my mind, " Jin runs away after stealing another peck, taehyung chases after jin, " you cannot keep doing that, it's umfair "

They reach home later, their moods were better than when they left jimin's place, " I really need to go pee, " Jin clenches his legs together, " alright you can go, I'll park the car, I'll be after you,"

Jin gets out of the car and hurries off, taehyung goes ahead with parking the car. It's when taehyung is done parking when Jin reaches up,

" here's the bitch, " a voice startles Jin,
" I've been trying to contact you, but you keep ignoring my calls and you have those building guards on their tiptoes, the receptionist wouldn't let me come up, i had to give her a piece of mind, who the fuck do you think you are, " jin's dad's voice roar in the hallway,

" please stop making a scene, people will come out, let's talk inside, " jin's voice is rushed, he instinctively backs away from his father, hoping taehyung would come up already,

" where's that pimp that goes around with you, you're letting him whore you out, I told you to divorce, so why are you still married, why's that bastard ceo ignoring my calls as well, what did you both do, "

He pulls jin's hairs and drags him towards the apartment door, " open it, and I'll show you where you belong. I'll remind you once again that you're nothing without me, "

Jin's hands tremble as he gets the passwords, he opens the door, he senses 
Taehyung's scent, he sighs in relief, his tears in control a bit, " leave him the fuck alone, " taehyung drags jin's dad away from him, " did I not tell you to stay away from him? " he pushes the old man away from the apartment door, " go inside, lock it. Today is it for this old hag, " taehyung holds jin's father down and calls the police,

" You're over. Your whole career is over, "

The police come over, and taehyung has enough evidence for the police to arrest him and press all the relevant charges. The whole case was requested to keep confidential. Luckily, the staff complied,

Taehyung comes back home later that night after resolving everything at the station, " You're back, " Jin pushes himself up from the couch,

taehyung smiles, " yes ofcourse I had to be back here, " his eyes fall on jin's messed up hair, and a bruise on his arms, " I'm sorry, I should've prioritized your safety, "

" when have you not done that taehyung, it's not your fault, " Jin sighs, " our pup is very strong, come feel him, he's four months old, it means he's more than a fetus now, he'll start moving by next month or by the end of this trimester, "

Taehyung eyes fall on jin's tiny inflated belly, his hands cover almost all of the bulge as of now, by the end of this trimester the belly will be huge and at some point the baby will start to kick as well " take care of yourself and our pup seokjin, I'm trusting you with our pup and yourself, "

" taehyung about that, " Jin moves away from taehyung,

" we'll talk later. Do you want to take a bath? I'll put ointment on the bruise then. Let me know if you're hungry now, "

" No, I'm not hungry right now, I had too much ice cream earlier. I'll go take a bath, "

" Sure you did, I'll go freshen up
as well, "

" Of course then, I'll meet you in your bed, " Jin teases,

Taehyung's breath hitches, " sometimes you get shy as if you're a virgin, when infact you're soon to be a hot dilf, "

tae covers his mouth in embarrassment, " Where's all this coming from, " his voice comes off high pitched, " go take a bath, you're a menace, "

Jin kisses taehyung before running off to his room.

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