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A week passed, and the movie premiere was just days away now. Taehyung continued to order food for Jin at every hotel they stayed in.

He couldn't help but notice that Jin ate sometimes, so he started ordering the same dish, hoping it suited his taste.

Although Jin never acknowledged or thanked him for the food, Taehyung didn't mind.

Growing up without the luxury of food and peaceful sleep had ingrained in him the importance of eating well and getting enough rest. He believed that these simple pleasures were the actual keys to happiness, and this mindset had humbled him greatly. For Taehyung, going to bed with a full stomach and falling asleep without worries was a luxury he truly cherished.

Initially, Taehyung had assumed that Jin, as an elite individual, had constant access to such luxuries, which was also the reason he harbored dislike towards Jin in the beginning.

However, it turned out that even someone like Jin, born with a gold spoon in mouth, could be deprived of these basic comforts. With these thoughts in mind, Taehyung made sure to order food for Jin regularly, and at times, he even cooked for him if the suite had a kitchen.

Their schedule had been relentless, with back-to-back engagements. Today, they had to appear on a live TV show, which was even more hectic than pre-recorded interviews. After bidding goodbye to the staff, Taehyung and Jin were on their way.

However, Jin seemed particularly exhausted today. He groaned with each step, struggling to keep up. Although he had taken part in hectic promotion schedules before, as the days passed, he grew increasingly fatigued. At that moment, he felt like collapsing right there in the lobby.

Taehyung couldn't help but notice Jin's discomfort and the sour scent that accompanied it. He asked, " Do you want help? "

" No," Jin replied, slurring his words. He stopped and leaned against the wall for support. He struggled to keep his eyes open and maintain balance,

" Alright, this won't do, " Without further ado, Taehyung picked Jin up in his arms, " I think you're experiencing a burnout."

" You are not a doctor, put me down, i told you not to touch me, " Jin protested, trying to squirm out Taehyung's hold.

" Did you drink after shooting? " Taehyung asked as he took slow, careful steps to accommodate Jin's condition.

" No, I have a headache. I haven't slept for a week," Jin explained, " That's why I feel so out of it, now please put me down, "

" That's exactly what a burnout is," Taehyung replied. Jin placed his full weight on Taehyung, making it harder for him to carry the omega.

" Put me down! " Jin demanded, raising his voice. " Hey, stop it! Someone will hear you."

" Hey, stop it, someone will hear you, " Jin mimics Taehyung, scowling at the said alpha holding him,

Taehyung shushed him, saying, " We're almost there." He continued to carry Jin, who continued to mimic Taehyung's words in a teasing manner.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached their floor. Taehyung shifted Jin's weight as he approached their room, " Put me down already," Jin grumbled.

Taehyung opened the door to their room and gently placed Jin on the bed. He adjusted the air conditioner for comfort and said, " We're here, you are in your bed now, i'll go now, "

Leaving the room, Taehyung immediately took the initiative to order some stomach-friendly food and medication for Jin. When the food and medicine were delivered later, he expressed his gratitude to the staff.

Returning to Jin's room, he found the door still open, " I brought you some food," Taehyung announced.

Jin's head was buried in the pillow as he mumbled, " i don't want to eat."

Taehyung responded politely, " Well, you haven't eaten anything all day. I was just trying to be decent,
you know? "

" Quit acting like you are my father," Jin groaned, clearly tired of Taehyung's efforts.

" I'm nothing like your father, i mean, he would have never done this, so I guess we're good," Taehyung replied with a smile.

However, Jin's glare indicated that he didn't appreciate the remark.
" I have a headache, Taehyung. Please, leave me alone for now, " Jin said as he shifted into a more comfortable position, still in pain.

Taehyung placed the food he had brought on the side table, " I'll help you. Come on, at least have some," he urged, pulling Jin up by his arm.

" Here, have some food." Taehyung assisted him with eating and then handed him the medicine, " Don't do anything weird with me, please," he added.

" Don't worry, I'm up to nothing weird, it's just a medicine to calm your nerves, " taehyung answer, he knows it's fair for Jin to be skeptical, so he didn't really mind what the remark implied,

Taehyung asked, " Can I help with your headache? "

Jin lazily nodded and threw himself back on the bed. Taehyung began massaging his head, and he continued for an hour until Jin finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Taehyung called the staff to inform them to cancel their afternoon schedule for today. Both he and Jin needed some rest.

In the early afternoon, when Jin emerged, ready to leave for their schedule, Taehyung informed him that he had called off their event for the day.

Jin was taken aback, " Who told you to do that?"

Taehyung responded calmly, " No one did. I did it because you're obviously not feeling well. You should rest."

Jin's temper flared, " Are you out of your mind? Why are you interfering in my business? I've told you enough times before, and I'll say it again, stay out of my business, Taehyung."

" What's so wrong about what I did? Lower your voice and address me with respect," Taehyung replied, feeling guilty for trying to help.

" Also, I'm sorry. I'll try not to interfere in your business ever again." He felt pathetic about his attempts to assist Jin. It hadn't gone as planned.

He wanted to yell back at Jin but saw no point in it. In the end, it is true that he had never asked Taehyung to do any of this.

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