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Taehyung arrives home late at night with Jimin, pondering Jin's whereabouts, the older omega questions, " Is Jin not at home? "

" He is, maybe I don't know, " Taehyung recalls what happened earlier, " I'll put this in the fridge, "

Maybe he really isn't at home, the kitchen looks the same as I left it as, why do I care anyways, Taehyung puts the food containers in the fridge, taking an armful of beers with him,

" Let's start watching the film, Yoongi will be joining us later," Jimin turns on the TV and clicks on Netflix icon,

" I'm so hungry, I should eat something to help with my situation, " Jin's face did end up getting bruised after all. He looks roughly beaten up,

How can he possibly hide this from Taehyung. He does his best to clean up the wounds by himself and changes into a light robe before stepping out of the room since his attire from earlier was all messed up.

He tries to get up but falls again. His knees hurt so bad. With the support of the wall, he tries to walk out of the room. Upon opening the door, he realized he should've just stayed inside, but now both Jimin and Taehyung were looking at him. How did he miss taehyung's scent. He's too tired.

" Can't you inform me at least before bringing people over," Jin questions Taehyung with a defeated voice.

" It's my place too, I don't have to ask or inform you," Taehyung replies and gets back to sipping his beer.

Meanwhile, Jimin senses the other omega in distress, " I'll take my leave now, Tae, let's continue some other time, " Jimin gets up, bowing in respect to Jin,

" Why are you leaving? " Taehyung stands up and stops Jimin from leaving.

"You're making him uncomfortable. Please retire to your room, Seokjin."

Jin huffs a breath. He's too tired for this. His omega was in severe distress seeing his mate having his arms around another omega just a day after their mating. Jin grips the door handle firmly for support.

" Just until this morning, you called me a whore for coming home late and tarnishing your so-called reputation. Is mine not getting affected with you whoring around with this omega?" Jin snaps, his energy drains further, his head getting hazy by each second.

" You think everyone is like yourself? " taehyung exclaims,

Jimin glares at Taehyung. He doesn't like any of this. Something is seriously off.

" Of course, if not a whore, why hang out with a newly mated alpha," Jin looks at Jimin, who doesn't seem to flinch at his harsh words,

" Seokjin, you're crossing the line now," Taehyung yells, Jin cowers at the loud voice, his ears starting to ring.

" Is what you said to him the reason he slapped you?
Did you lie to me earlier? " Jimin is concerned for his best friend, the behavior isn't sitting right with him.
" You said he was fine with us hanging out."

Taehyung snaps at his bestfriend, " he has no right over me, "

Jin chuckles out loud at Jimin's question, His grip on the handle loosens, right in front of them he falls.

" Oh my God," Jimin lets out a gasp. He walks past Taehyung in a hurry, gently putting Jin's head in his lap. " Call a doctor right now, Taehyung," Jimin seethes.

The smaller omega examines Jin carefully, hoping to catch on to the reason for the sudden fainting. He brings Jin to bed, not to his surprise, but the actor is very lightweight.

Jimin removes the robe Jin was wearing off his body, " Oh my God, Taehyung, " he let's out

Taehyung comes running inside the room. He glances at Jin's body, and his heart drops.

" Did you do all this to him? " Jimin looks Taehyung dead in the eye,

" I swear to God it's not me. The knees are like that because of me, but I didn't hit him," Taehyung stutters, not over whatever he saw,

" These bruises look fresh," Jimin can make sense of the marks on the omega's face. Jimin gently removes all the pain relief patches from the knee.

" Taehyung, I can't believe you did this to him? Over what, a slap that you very well deserved? "

" Can we not talk about this right now," Taehyung couldn't show it, but he was panicking, " we should take him to the hospital, " He adds,

" And what? Show everyone whatever he's hiding from the world," Jimin takes a closer look at all the wounds, the fresh one badly treated by probably Jin himself and the fading ones. It's clear he's subjected to consistent physical abuse.

" Who do you think is behind this? " Jimin voices out his concerns.

" I don't know. I'm not sure, but i am assuming it's his dad," Taehyung answers. He should've realized this sooner. It's all his fault.

" Taehyung, I need you to leave the room, I need to check something." Taehyung, understanding exactly what Jimin meant, leaves the room, hoping that is not the case or he'll never be able to hold back. He cannot believe he got entangled in all this mess, right now he is reason behind Jin's current condition.

Jimin checks Jin's body if any non-consensual sex activity took place. It was not Jimin's place, but he could not turn a blind eye to all this. He checks Jin's mouth, his back and thighs, all clear, thankfully.

Jimin sighs in relief, " The doctors here, Jimin."

" I'm all done. You can come in," Taehyung almost barges inside with the doctor, " Can you keep all this confidential? "

" Not if it involves police," the doctor replies while examining Jin's body.

" It does involve police, but we are the third party. This is between him and his dad. It'll require his consent. It's very clear that he doesn't want anyone to know. We are not in place to make this decision for him," Jimin replies, his heartbeat is unstable ever since he witnessed all the wounds.

" Well, that means he's scared or threatened. It's not a sexual assault case, but years of physical abuse. His father is very consistent with his beatings. Clearly, he never got his wounds dressed by a doctor. I've given him painkillers and dressed his wounds, I hope you can convince him to stop by at the hospital later. Alright, this is my card, I can arrange special timings for him to make him more comfortable," the doctor hands Jimin the card.

" I'm trusting you with him, Jimin," the doctor says. Bowing in respect, Jimin returns her warm smile, " I'll take my leave now, " she announces.

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