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" Can you believe him?" Jin grumbled while savoring his cravings, " He kicks me every time you're near."

" Yeah, it's believable. He reminds me of someone," Taehyung responded.

" Who exactly? What do you mean by that?" Jin inquired, arching his brow in curiosity.

Taehyung smiled at Jin's obliviousness. " Nothing, eat your food."

" Was it someone else you met before? " Jin asked randomly while taking a bite of his food.

Taehyung choked on his food upon hearing the question, Jin quickly handed a glass of water to taehyung.

" Oh my God, be careful. "

Jin watched Taehyung gulp down the water, " So who was it? " he asks again,

Curiosity kills the cat

" No one," Taehyung replied, setting the glass aside. He gazed at Jin's saddened face, " Alright, you asked for this. Our pup kicking every time I'm near is like you glaring and telling everyone off who dares to come near me, so yeah, that baby is just like you. "

" Don't talk to me," Jin huffs, dropping
his chopsticks into the plate and stormed out of the living room.

Taehyung threw his head back, " Oh God, how many more of these mood swings?"

A week after their reconciliation in the hospital, Taehyung and Jin were back on good terms, although Jin's mood swings were a new challenge for him. But he knows this is inevitable.

It's December now, and tomorrow is Jin's birthday. Taehyung was brainstorming all the possible surprises he could come up with. Their wedding anniversary was also approaching, so with that in mind, Taehyung was determined to plan something special.

Jin remained inside the room, his sulking tendencies had not changed, but it never took more than 10 minutes for him to return to Taehyung's side, only reason he didn't seek out Taehyung yet, he's likely napping.

Taehyung called Jimin, hoping he could help him brainstorm ideas. Together, they devised a wonderful plan. It was something Taehyung had contemplated, but he needed Jimin's approval for his plan.

After finalizing the details, Taehyung made a list and prepared to run errands. He checked on the sleeping Seokjin and then left the house. His goal was to keep the errand short, but it ended up taking two hours, as time seemed to slip away, and he lost track of it.

When he reached home and unlocked the door, Jin's who stood right in front of the door, startled him, " Where did you go? "

" I had to run an errand," Taehyung explained, taking a step farther from Jin.

" Was it too much of an effort to inform me? I was worried sick, yet you left a heavily pregnant mate behind to wander in the city," Jin expressed his concern

Regret and a tinge of guilt colored Taehyung's voice as he replied, " I had to run an errand." He couldn't help but notice the genuine concern in Jin's eyes. " I'm sorry, love. I didn't anticipate it taking this long. "

Jin's response was laced with frustration as he retorted, " Don't 'sorry love' me. I'm not a child. Don't talk to me for real now."

Jin didn't allow Taehyung a moment to explain. He stormed off into their bedroom.

Grasping the opportunity, he dedicated himself to decorating their garden, arranging a candlelit dinner, and setting out a birthday cake. The passage of time while Jin isolated himself in the bedroom played to Taehyung's advantage as he savored the small victory of getting under Jin's skin.

Taehyung was in the midst of composing a speech when Jin emerged from the bedroom eyes, glistening with unshed tears. His voice wavered as he addressed Taehyung, " Do you not have any empathy for me at all? How can you go out again when I'm still angry with you? I told you I'm genuinely upset."

The oversized sweater Jin was wearing, which belonged to Taehyung, hung loosely on his frame.

Taehyung felt regret pierce through him like a knife, he assured jin, " I'm not going anywhere. In fact, we're going somewhere together. Can you please go get ready? "

" Fine, let's go, but I'm still not talking to you."

Taehyung watched Jin waddle back into the room, his pregnancy affecting his walk. Once he returned to the living room, still pouting, he said, " I won't talk, "

" Okay, let's go then. " Taking a step closer, Taehyung offered his beloved mate his white padded jacket and whispered " Wear this jacket," draping Jin in his white padded jacket, " I love you," he uttered, gazing into Jin's eyes.

"Latching onto his stubbornness, Jin replied with a curt, " Lies, "

Taehyung chuckled softly and guided him to the balcony, which led to their garden. He drew back the curtains, revealing the mesmerizing view outside, " What's all this? "

Taehyung slid the door open, " Happy birthday and happy anniversary."

The sight before Jin was captivating. The garden was adorned with blossoming flowers, creating the illusion of spring in winter. An elegantly decorated altar stood in the center,  " Will you marry me again? "

Tears welled up in Jin's eyes as he took in the breathtaking scene.

When he registered Taehyung's question, his voice trembled with emotion as he said, " You are making me cry, please, "

" I've been so mean to you, yet you still have so much love to give."  The first tear escaped as he confessed,

" You love me too, Seokjinnie. I see how concerned you get when i am in pain or out of your sight. It's the little things, love, like when you get up during night and make sure i am warm, draped with a blanket. You're the biggest blessing of my life, and you are giving me another one. You are the best thing that has ever been mine,"

Touched by Taehyung's words, Jin mustered a smile and declared, " I'll marry you. And also, I want you to mark me again, alpha. "

Taehyung's face lit up with joy. He retrieved a small velveg box and extended it towards Jin, " I wrote us some vows and got us wedding pendants since we already have rings. "

Taehyung presented a small box to Jin as he opened the box to reveal twk pendants with Taehyung's and Jin's initials. He placed it around jin's neck, securing it with care,

Jin mirrored Taehyung's actions, carefully fastening the pendant around Jin's neck,

" I want to tell you, Jin, I'd love you no matter what. I'll be there for you all the time. For the rest of my life, I want to be with you, make you the happiest person alive, give you back all the good times you were robbed of, baby. I'll love you so much that you'll never feel alone in this life. I hope I stay alive and healthy as long as you're alive and healthy because not even for a second do I want to live in a world where you don't exist, where you're not mine, where you're this close to me. I love you so much."

Tears brimmed in Jin's eyes as he listened to Taehyung's words. Vulnerable, he whispered, " I want to make you the happiest too, Taehyungie. I'll give you everything, all of me. I promise you, I'll never hurt you, never make you worry, be there for you on hard days and bad days, all the time. I love you too, Tae. I'll give you another litter of pups right after this, baby."

Jin hugged Taehyung tightly, " A litter? Right after this one? Are you hearing yourself ? " Taehyung laughed, fully aware that Jin could get triggered any moment.

" Yes, lots of pups. You can keep me pregnant all the time. I love you so much. I'll give you everything. I'm sorry I didn't trust you before. I'm so sorry, " Jin sobbed.

" You just said you wouldn't make me worry, and now you're making me worry by crying, don't cry. It's okay, I'll bring out the cake and dinner, you must be hungry, " with a quick peck on jin's lips, Taehyung retires to the kitchen.

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