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" Oh, look who's finally here, Yoongi?" Jimin taunts when he sees it's Taehyung at the door.

" I'm sorry," Taehyung extends a bouquet and the lemon cake, Jimin's favorite, as a peace offering.

" Do you think this will make up for what you did? If so, you're wrong. Not only did you cancel on me, you ghosted me the next day."

" Hey, Min, I'm sorry. Let me come in, I'll explain," Taehyung's voice carries exhaustion and guilt. Jimin, noting this, steps aside to let him in.

" Jin, he told me not to call you over last-minute when I informed him of our plans. Then the next day, he left the house without telling me. Later that night, I confronted him about it, and he had a panic attack.

During that moment, he said you'd apparently blocked his number and everything. I understand why you blocked him, but I was shocked to hear that. You don't normally do this," Taehyung sighs, repeating everything, and the concern for Jin weighs heavy on his mind.

" Wait? He told you I blocked him? I didn't even delete his number," Jimin is puzzled. He opens his phone and checks Jin's contact, seeing the label "contact blocked" at the bottom.

" I don't remember blocking him or him trying to contact me."

Jimin connects the dots, glancing at Yoongi engrossed in his iPad, " Yoongi, I know you're pretending to be busy. Did you pull this?"

Taehyung intervenes, " Jimin, it's alright. Let's forget about this."

" No, wait, Tae, this is serious," Jimin insists, glaring at Yoongi, who remains focused on typing, " I asked you something, and I know for sure you're not busy."

" I did do that. He treated you poorly and had the audacity to call you after it. I saw that and blocked him," Yoongi's face is solemn, his expressions serious, which only annoys Jimin further. Taehyung silently admires Yoongi's straightforwardness.

" Yoongi, I hope you realize that what you did was wrong. Reflect on it before saying another word to me," Jimin retorts. He unblocks Jin's number.

Yoongi abruptly leaves the lounge, slamming the bedroom door shut.

" Will you guys be okay?" Taehyung asks.

" Yes, he's never done something like this before. I'm sorry," Jimin apologizes.

" It's alright," Taehyung reassures Jimin, patting his back, " I can see where he was coming from. He was looking out for you."

" Oh, I miss you so bad, Taetae," Jimin hugs Taehyung, " Thank you for the cake and flowers."

" Jimin? I have something to tell you, but you have to keep it to yourself," Taehyung hesitates, knowing he can't keep this from his best friend.

" I bet it has something to do with that night. It's alright, you can tell me," Jimin nods, " My lips are sealed."

" Jin is pregnant with my child, and that's the reason he almost tried to-" Taehyung struggles to say the words, his anxiety building as he tries to convey the complex situation to Jimin.

" What? He's what?" Jimin gasps, his voice laced with shock.

" Yeah, and we sort of talked it out," Taehyung continues.

" I said I'll help him figure things out until he's ready to be a parent. Also, generally, just help him break out of his shell."

Jimin's mind races with the implications of what Taehyung is revealing, " And what's in it for you? Where do you guys stand after all this?" he inquires, carefully choosing his words.

"Obviously, it's my baby too. There's no 'us,' you see. We'll just co-parent, and in the end, when Jin is healthy, we'll be on our own, just two people co-parenting," Taehyung's words come out in a jumble, reflecting the complexity of the situation.

" Taehyung, I hope that's exactly how it turns out in the end, instead of you being caught in the middle of this whole ordeal," Jimin responds thoughtfully.

" No, why would I be caught in the middle for helping him out? It's good for me and the pup. If he's healthy, you see, our baby would mirror it. " Taehyung explains, his voice determined.

Jimin doesn't say anything more. He just hopes his best friend is making the right choices. At first, it seemed simple – Taehyung would get divorced, and they would break the bond. But Taehyung's care for Jin has deepened, and it's clear there's more at play. Taehyung is not just helping Jin, he's into him.

Taehyung makes a brief stop at a coffee shop before heading back home from Jimin's place. He arrives at the apartment around 7 pm, not expecting Jin to be there, but to his surprise, Jin is sitting on the couch.

Taehyung enters their home, his mind already busy with thoughts.

Jin detects another scent in the air, which doesn't surprise him, given that Taehyung went to meet Jimin. This just confirms that.

" Hi, did you eat already? I got a little late," Taehyung says as he puts the pastries he bought for himself in the fridge.

" I don't feel like eating," Jin responds without sparing Taehyung a glance.

" Is there anything specific you want? I can make it for you," Taehyung offers, sensing that Jin is upset again.

" Hey, what is it? Is there something wrong?" Taehyung asks, hoping for a response, but there's only silence. His steps toward Jin which irritates the omega more.

Jin's growl catches Taehyung off guard. He freezes in his tracks, " What's wrong?"

"You have another omega's scent all over you? Do you want me to welcome you? The pups hate it," Jin explains his behavior.

" Oh, I thought you felt threatened by me. I'll go wash up. Think of what you want to eat or do until then. I'll be back," Taehyung says.

He hurries off to take a shower. It takes him a good ten minutes to complete the process and dress again. He throws his previous clothes back in the cupboard, assuming Jin won't want Jimin's scent in the laundry.

When he comes out of his room, Jin is still seated on the couch, and he takes a whiff to make sure the scent is gone. Jin sighs, resting on the couch.

" Would you like to eat anything now?" Taehyung asks, hoping for no more tension.

" Yes, I'd like to have some fried chicken," Jin says, his eyes fixed on the TV screen.

" Alright, I'll be on it," Taehyung says and leaves the space to begin cooking. He's taken on this responsibility, so he knows he has to put up with it. He retrieves flour from the cupboard and starts preparing their meal.

" Hey, I'll help. I'm not sure how to make chicken, but teach me," Jin smiles.

" Well, how about we marinate the chicken first?" Their evening unfolds with Taehyung and Jin in the kitchen, sharing laughter and flour stains on their faces.

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