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" How long ago did you find out you're pregnant? " yoongi asks,

" earlier this week, " jimin knows the next question, which he isn't ready to answer,

" Why didn't you tell me? " alphas takes both of jimin's hands in his,

" Because you didn't want any of this right now. You refuse to mate me. You're stuck at taking things slow. What am I to do? I thought I'd leave with the baby. No one has to know. Me and Pup could be happy together, but it left me by myself, "

" jimin it wasn't because I don't love you, I do, but I wanted things in accord, we will mate sometime later, get married , travel the world, then settle down have alot of babies, I never meant to make you feel unloved, and I would've never rejected my own child, you're carrying it, it's a dream come true baby, "

Jimin quickly shakes his head. " No, even if you had accepted it, it wouldn't be because you wanted it, just because you had to, or rationally speaking worst comes worst you would've asked me to abort it, because you're pro choice, I'm not, yoongi, "

" No dammit, " his voice rises a bit. " I would've never asked you to abort it. That's not how it works, I know I had plans for us, but if this is how it turned out midway, I'm open to accepting the things way they are. Jimin, why did you think so low of me? I just wanted us to take our time, and I made it clear to you that there was nothing more to it. "

" I feared you'd speak rationally like you always do, but see, there's no pup now, it's gone, " jimin's hand reaches for his stomach,

" I don't know why you thought leaving me was a better option jimin, not when you've been with me for so long, the fact you chose to leave me just gives away that whatever our relationship was built on is false, " yoongi straightens his back,

Jimin clicks his tongue, " right, I'm wrong again, the fact you didn't mate me even after being in relationship with me for so long, you gave me the doubts, if I'm at fault you're equally at- "

" I did delay it because I knew it was you, both of us fit together, I thought we would stick with each other till the end, marking each other or not. We are meant to be "

" I needed those things you thought they didn't matter yoongi, and I'm sorry I still need those, and if you can't, then " jimin hesitates a little " let's separate our ways, "

" No, not at all. Never in a million years, I'm not leaving you. Do you love me, jimin? Because I do love you, I'm ready to take responsibility, I was wrong, i should've known better, nothing is worth losing you, nothing, "

" I love you, I do love you. And I don't want us to end, "

" That's all that matters, I'm sorry, okay? We will work on this, take your time to heal, let me know if you " yoongi looks at jimin's face, " still want me in your life, "

Jimin gets up on his back, " You're going to leave, but "

" No buts, I'm here, don't worry. " he wipes away tears staining jimin's face." I'll go bring some food for you, "  he gets up, jimin knows yoongi is hurt as much as he is,

" yoongi, please come back here, "

Yoongi's hurt. He might have wanted different things, but he never thought his love was not enough to make jimin stay. He can't blame the omega, but it does hurt. He walks back to jimin.

Jimin opens his arm for yoongi, " take me please, don't leave, not right now, I don't need time to think, let's work this out, I'm yours, you and me, forever till the end, please never let me go, "

Yoongi wraps his arms around jimin, he buries his nose in jimin's neck, his eyes tear up, " I love you so much, so very much, when it comes to us I believe it's till the end, i'll never let you go. "

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