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Jin again was unable to sleep last night, he wakes up to make himself something to eat. His manager had left a text, he's required to be at the company today,

When taehyung comes out of his room, he smells Jin's bitter scent. " What's wrong? "

" Nothing." Jin snaps,

" You're clearly upset about something. Tell me, what is it? "

" Nothing," I said. Leave me alone, " seokjin repeats, " I have to be at company today, "

Taehyung shruggs off jin's attitude, assuming it's because of pregnancy
" Alright, I'll drop you off."

" No, I'll go by myself, " Jin is quick to answer. He steps farther away from taehyung

" you know it's dangerous for you to be out alone, let me assist you, or atleast call your manager to come down, " taehyung is being persistent, because he's scared of letting seokjin go alone, they didn't end up hiring the body guard or driver again because taehyung was with Jin all the time,

" No, he's busy. " Jin replies

" Well then, let me call mine, give me a minute, " taehyung takes it out his phone, Jin is quick to snatch it,

He cuts off the call, and he sees the chat room that was initially opened. He reads the texts, as much as he could in the blink of an eye, taehyung is talking to that omega,
he clears his throat. " please taehyung respect my space, I'll let you know if anything is wrong, "

Jin leaves for his room to go get ready, he cannot believe all this. Why's taehyung this way? Why is he talking to that omega? The chat implied they're close. Just why? Taehyung said it's a friend, but jimin is a friend too. This doesn't feel the same,

Jin leaves for the company in less than a hour, he did see taehyung sitting in the living room with a pout, Jin left without really addressing him, or his sour mood.

At company, although he received good news, he'll be on magazine cover with ceo of Kim Holdings, Kim namjoon. Also, he landed a role in Hollywood's Netflix series he auditioned for last year.

Jin was excited, and his manager informed him about his date with Mr Kim later that following afternoon, apparently Mr kim himself chose him and wanted to see him in person,

This might be the first time Jin is proud of himself during his whole career. For the first time, it feels like he'll be getting a role for his skills, not because of his dad. He smiles wide, on his way to have lunch with Mr Kim,

When he reaches the restaurant, he realizes it's the same one, where taehyung took him a week ago.

Jin smiles, all that felt like it was ages ago. He missed sleeping with taehyung and having fun with him. He's taken back to taehyung pouting in the morning, then reminded of the messages and pictures he saw, with that omega.

Jin is quick to shake off those thoughts as he enters the restaurant. He needs to focus here.

Jin is escorted by the manager to the reserved table. He spots Mr Kim sitting there already, looking at the menu.

" hi, I'm Mr Kim- " Jin gets interrupted when namjoon cuts him off " Hi I'm Mr kim too " Jin laughs at the pun, " You're a funny one " usually Jin would not entertain his work acquaintances, but since today he is in a good mood, he doesn't mind joking around.

Jin gets to know namjoon during the lunch, Jin never really expressed himself that much, so mostly it was namjoon who was talking, telling him about jin's favorite role, cinematography, Jin felt so confident hearing his praises and someone analyzing his roles this much.

" I didn't know you'd be this big of a fan, I'm surprised such a huge businessman, busiest person of South Korea knows this much about me," Jin giggles,

" Well, do you know anything
about me, " namjoon raises his eyebrows, sure that Jin doesn't

" Well, you don't like sea food, " Jin comments

" Oh my God, how do you know that? I don't think that's even on the
internet, " namjoon was actually confused, " are you perhaps a stalker " he jokes

" Maybe, " Jin imitates the energy, " I'm just kidding, I just saw you skipping the sea food menu quickly, that's it, "

" You're quite the observer, " namjoon laughs,

Both of them eat their lunch, it's around evening when they're done, and head out of the restaurant, " let me take you home, " namjoon forwards his hands,

Jin gives namjoon his hand, feeling the urge to pull it back, but he can't just ignore the gesture after he's been so kind, " it's alright, I drove here. I'll be off, " Jin takes back his hand bows

" Alright, see you tomorrow,
drive safely, " namjoon waves jin goodbye, leaving for his own car after he sees off jin

Jin smiles at the way back home. He had a nice day today. He feels nice, this is the life he wanted, but it doesn't take long for him to realize, he's carrying a baby, and has a husband just on paper back home, a mentally sick dad, and his own detroiting mental health, dark side of his reality. Jin shakes it off and focuses on the wheel. Right, he needs to be careful. He habitats a cute pup right now,

" Do you want to listen to good music? " he asks, quickly glancing at his stomach, " alright, alright, I'll play some for you. "  Jin puts on his Playlists and jams his way back home.

When he reaches the apartment, all the lights are turned off, except for the one in the hallway.

He went to the kitchen, there was dinner for him on the shelf, Jin couldn't quite name the emotion he felt looking at the dinner, covered up, waiting for him, his heart clenches,

Taehyung must be waiting for him, just like he waited for taehyung yesterday? Is it possible, or is he just assuming. He guesses this is the part where both of outgrow healthily and be there for the pup. This is what Jin had wanted, but why does it hurt. Does it hurt taehyung as well?

Jin goes to his room and takes the dinner with him. He'll just eat in his own room. It feels less lonely eating in a smaller room by yourself compared to the big living room.

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