Part 31: Leaving

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(Daenerys Stark, Cregan Stark and Bran Stark)

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(Daenerys Stark, Cregan Stark and Bran Stark)

I slowly put last piece in my hand into chest and closed it. I examined the dragon carvings on my chest one by one. It felt really weird coming home again. I've spent the last thirteen years here. Over time, I got used to the gray that was cold and frightening at first. But that has never been my essence.

When the door opened, pages boys entered and started carrying my trunks. Laya:

"Everything is ready to return home, my princess."

"Home. Laya, I've forgotten where home is now."

"We've been here too long, princess."

"You're right. What are kids doing?"

"They're all getting ready. Their septas're with them."

"Laya, why are you with me?"

"You haven't asked this for years, princess? But to give an honest answer, I would say your behavior towards me. You have never humiliated or tormented me. I never intend to leave your side."

"Thank you Laya."

I held her hand tightly. It's almost impossible to find people who are full of loyalty to you. But Laya was with me for years and I was happy about it.

After a while, Daenerys entered. Daenerys:

"Mom, are you available?"

"Come sweety."

"I wanted to ask you something. Can I fly with Bran?"

"No, Daenerys. Bran'll fly with me."

"Mom, please, I don't want to fly with Sara."

"Daenerys why can't I trust you for once? You're always complaining that I don't trust you."


"Put on your riding clothes and come to the pit."

While Daenerys was running to her room, Maester Gary entered. Laya:

"I'll leave you alone."

After leaving Laya, Master Gary said:

"The North will miss your presence, my lady."

"Be careful while I'm gone. Bennard is only regent. Cregan'll be back."

"It might not be good for him to stay away too long, my lady. The Northerners won't see him as their own."

"I'll send him back on the thirteenth."

"Keep an eye out, my lady."

"Be careful, Gary. Rickon would care about you. I can't lose one of his friends."

When I went out to garden, people had gathered. The engagement was announced early. This was to suppress rumors about my leaving. However, Winterfell suddenly turned into a place where strong winds blow. I knew that North never forgets.

I grabbed Cregan's shoulder and said loudly:

"Dear Northerners. When I came here thirteen years ago, you welcomed me into your midst. You didn't exclude me, you didn't despise me. I'll always be grateful for that. It's an honor for me to give three children to the North."

People were better now. Rhaenyra and Daemon stared at the people in surprise. I continued:

"I am leaving here, but I know that this will always be home for Rickon's four children. Your lord of Winterfell is leaving with me. However, it'll never be an abandonment. When Cregan Stark has completed his training, he'll come and take over his duties as your lord."

"Long live LORD STARK."


I smiled and turned towards the dragon pit. Catelyn Dustin:

"My lady, accept this as a gift from us Northerners. Remember us."

"Always, Catelyn. And you can come to Kingslanding whenever you want."

Accepted her gift. The sigil of House Stark was engraved with the direwolf. I smiled and moved forward. The dragons were waiting. Bran:

"I'll miss home, mom."

"I know, son. I know your longing for home."

I put Bran on. Cannibal roared as the others got on. As we were taking off, the Royal convoy also set off. Another chapter of my life has closed. The north felt like home. But I was returning to my real home. To Kingslanding. To the place that carries my father's memories.



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